Flutter 3.16 Updates

Sagar Shah
1 min readNov 20, 2023

The Flutter team has released the latest version of its popular cross-platform development framework, Flutter 3.16. This release brings a number of new features and enhancements, making it an even more powerful and versatile tool for building high-quality mobile apps.

Key Highlights of Flutter 3.16

  • Material 3 by Default: Flutter 3.16 sets Material 3 as the new default theme, bringing a fresh and modern look to your apps.
  • Impeller Preview for Android: The Impeller rendering engine is now available in preview for Android, providing significant performance improvements and smoother animations.
  • DevTools Extensions: Flutter DevTools now supports extensions, allowing you to customize the development experience with third-party plugins.
  • New Sliver Widgets: New Sliver widgets for composing unique scrolling effects, enabling more complex and visually appealing layouts.
  • Dart 3.2: Includes Dart 3.2, the latest version of the Dart programming language, with performance enhancements and new language features.

Additional Improvements

  • Performance Optimizations: Flutter 3.16 includes various performance optimizations, resulting in faster and more responsive apps.
  • Accessibility Enhancements: Improved accessibility features, making Flutter apps more inclusive for users with disabilities.
  • Tooling Updates: Updates to Flutter tooling, including the Flutter CLI and Flutter DevTools, for a smoother development workflow.


Flutter 3.16 is a significant step forward for the Flutter framework, providing developers with even more powerful tools to create beautiful and performant mobile apps. With its focus on Material 3, performance optimizations, and developer productivity, Flutter 3.16 is sure to be a popular choice for mobile app development in the coming months.()

