Sheersh Shah
4 min readAug 23, 2023

Exploring the Wonders of National Craft and Handloom Museum

Have you ever embarked on a journey through time, tracing the footsteps of ancient artisans and weavers? Recently, I had the chance to do just that when my batchmates and I visited the National Craft and Handloom Museum, accompanied by our ever-enthusiastic teacher, Mr. Saurabh, and his charming assistant, Rana. This captivating experience took us through a mesmerizing blend of heritage, craftsmanship, and artistry, leaving us with memories to cherish.

Our day began with a sense of anticipation as our class representative, Geetika, organized us into groups of four. Then, each individual group took their own cab to get to the museum. Once we regrouped there, The excitement was palpable, as we stepped into the museum, a world where tradition met innovation. The sheer enormity of the museum complex struck us as we ventured forth, each section beckoning with its unique charm.

Mr. Saurabh wasted no time in setting the creative wheels in motion. Our task for the day was both exciting and daunting – to capture the essence of the museum through sketches and photographs. Armed with sketchbooks and cameras, we ventured into the various galleries that lay ahead.

First stop, the Textile Gallery. A treasure trove of colors, patterns, and fabrics that spanned centuries. Each piece seemed to have a story of its own, woven into intricate patterns that whispered tales of generations gone by. As I sketched a mesmerizing tapestry, I couldn’t help but be awed by the skill and dedication of those who had created it.

The Bhuta Sculpture Gallery was a realm of divine beauty. Every sculpture seemed to exude a spiritual energy, drawing us into a world where gods and goddesses, demons and deities danced with abandon. The attention to detail was awe-inspiring, and I found myself lost in the craftsmanship that had transformed wood into living art.

The Kadambari Theatre, a tribute to performing arts, was a spectacle of its own. Its vibrant ambiance seemed to resonate with the echoes of melodious tunes and enthralling performances of the past. The delicate intricacies of traditional dance costumes and musical instruments added to the immersive experience.

As we moved on to the Folk and Tribal Craft section, we encountered a world brimming with the soul of rural India. Traditional crafts, once passed down through generations, were now preserved as invaluable treasures. Each piece bore witness to the symbiotic relationship between nature and human creativity.

What truly struck me about the museum was its architectural marvel. The design seemed to be inspired by ancient temple complexes, with open skies and a sense of sacredness that permeated the air. With a staggering collection of 35,000 ancient artifacts, the museum stood as a guardian of heritage, inviting visitors to journey through time.

Positive aspects of the museum were abundant. The thoughtful segregation of areas through strong axes created a clear flow, guiding visitors through a sensory experience. The incorporation of small interactive spaces provided an opportunity for deeper engagement with the exhibits. Each room was dedicated to a specific theme, enabling a focused exploration of the rich tapestry of Indian craftsmanship.

However, not all was perfect. Some parts of the village complex were secluded, making it difficult to access and explore. Additionally, while the galleries housed a plethora of artifacts, some displays lacked the captivating features and modern technology that could truly bring history to life.

In conclusion, the visit to the National Handicraft and Handloom Museums was a journey through time and culture, an opportunity to witness the magic of human creativity through the ages. Our hearts were filled with gratitude for our teacher, Mr. Saurabh, and his assistant, Rana, who made this excursion possible. As I flipped through the sketches and photographs I had captured, I realized that I had not just visited a museum – I had walked in the footsteps of history, imbibing the spirit of India’s rich heritage.