Prompt Tuning: A Powerful Technique for Adapting LLMs to New Tasks

Shreyansh Shah
8 min readOct 18, 2023


Prompt tuning is a technique that allows for the adaptation of large language models (LLMs) to new tasks by training a small number of prompt parameters. The prompt text is added before the input text to guide the LLM towards generating the desired output. It has gained significant attention in the field of natural language processing due to its efficiency and flexibility.


What is Prompt Tuning?

Prompt tuning is the process of adapting LLMs to new tasks by training a small set of parameters known as prompts. These prompts are prepended to the input text to guide the LLM towards generating the desired output.

Benefits of Prompt Tuning

1. Efficient

Prompt tuning offers a more efficient approach compared to fine-tuning the entire LLM. It requires training only a small number of prompt parameters, resulting in faster adaptation to new tasks.

2. Flexible

Prompt tuning can be applied to a wide range of tasks in various domains, including natural language processing, image classification, and code generation. This flexibility makes prompt tuning a versatile technique for adapting LLMs.

3. Interpretable

With prompt tuning, it is possible to inspect the prompt parameters to understand how the LLM is being guided towards generating the desired output. This interpretability provides valuable insights into the model’s decision-making process.

Biggest Challenges of Prompt Tuning

1. Designing Complex Prompts

Designing effective prompts can be challenging, especially for complex tasks. It requires careful consideration of the language, structure, and context to ensure optimal performance.

Imagine you work for a pharmaceutical company that focuses on metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. You want to use a language model to gather information or insights specific to your work but don’t want irrelevant details about other conditions or mentions of specific competing companies or products. This is a typical use case for prompt tuning.

Challenge: You want to ask the AI model for information about your focus areas (metabolic diseases), but you need to filter out unrelated information and avoid references to specific company names and products.

Example Prompt:

Bad Prompt: “Tell me everything about metabolic diseases, diabetes, and obesity, but don’t mention any other diseases, and avoid talking about our competitor, ABC Pharmaceuticals, and their product, XYZ.”

This is a bad example because it’s too long and complex for the model to handle effectively. The model might not fully understand the nuanced requirements.

Better Prompt: “I need insights on metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. Please focus on symptoms, treatment options, and recent research developments without referencing specific company names or products.”

In this better example, you are concise and explicit about what you want. You’re requesting information about your area of interest (metabolic diseases) while setting clear boundaries (no company or product names). This makes it easier for the model to understand and provide relevant information.

2. Overfitting

Prompt tuning is prone to overfitting, particularly when the prompt is too large or too specific. Overfitting can lead to poor generalization on unseen data, limiting the performance of the adapted LLM.

Imagine you want to use a language model to answer questions about animals. You start by training the model with the following prompt:

“Can you tell me about lions? Provide information on their size, habitat, and diet.”

The model learns about lions and provides excellent responses. However, when you encounter a question about lions in a different context, such as in a zoo:

“Tell me about lions in a zoo.”

The overfitted model might struggle to provide a relevant answer because it was trained to answer very specific questions about wild lions. It doesn’t understand the context shift.

To prevent overfitting, you should make your prompts more versatile and robust. For instance:

“Tell me about lions and their common characteristics.”

This broader prompt encourages the model to provide general information about lions that can apply to various contexts, including zoos.

In summary, overfitting in prompt tuning occurs when you make your prompts too specific, leading the model to produce narrowly tailored responses. To avoid overfitting, it’s important to create prompts that are versatile and adaptable to different scenarios.

3. Scalability

Scaling prompt tuning to tasks with large amounts of training data can be challenging. As the size of the training data increases, efficiently adapting the LLM requires careful optimization strategies.

Imagine you have a small, friendly robot that you want to teach to do tasks around your home, like making coffee or cleaning. You use simple commands and it works well.

Now, you decide to put the same robot in a huge factory and want it to control complex machinery.

The problem is, the commands you used at home don’t work in the factory. You need to give the robot more precise, detailed instructions. You have to fine-tune how you communicate with it.

How to overcome challenges of Prompt Tuning

1. Simplify complex Prompts

Identify the Core Request: Begin by identifying the primary question or request you want to make. What is the most critical piece of information or action you need from the model?

Break It Down: If your initial prompt contains multiple parts or requests, break it down into smaller, focused components. Each component should address one specific question or task.

Prioritize Information: Determine which pieces of information are most important and which are secondary. Focus on the essential details in your prompt.

Use Clear Language: Avoid jargon, ambiguous terms, or overly technical language. Use clear and straightforward language that anyone can understand.

Remove Unnecessary Information: Eliminate any unnecessary context, backstory, or details that do not directly contribute to the core request.

Restructure the Prompt: Reorganize your simplified components into a clear and concise prompt. You may need to use bullet points or numbered lists to separate different questions or tasks.

Avoid Double-Negatives: Avoid using double negatives or complex negations in your prompts. They can confuse the model. Instead, use positive language to state what you want.

Specify Constraints: If you have specific constraints, such as avoiding certain topics or references, state them clearly in the prompt.

Provide Context: If context is essential, include it in the prompt. This helps the model understand the specific circumstances or background of your request.

Test for Clarity: Before submitting your prompt, ask someone else to review it to ensure that it’s clear and understandable. If they have questions, it may indicate that the prompt needs further simplification.

Avoid Overly Long Prompts: Keep your prompts concise. Long, convoluted prompts can confuse the model. If necessary, submit separate prompts for different aspects of your request.


NVIDIA describes the process of prompt tuning as follows.

Prompt tuning involves using a small trainable model before using the LLM. The small model is used to encode the text prompt and generate task-specific virtual tokens.

Soft Prompts

Soft prompts are a way to tell a large language model (LLM) what to do, but without using any words. Instead, the LLM is trained on a set of examples, and then learns to recognize the patterns in those examples. These patterns are then used to create a soft prompt, which is a string of numbers that represents the patterns.

Soft prompts are more effective at guiding the LLM to perform the desired task than hard prompts, which are text-based prompts. However, soft prompts are not interpretable, which means that it is difficult to understand why the LLM chose the particular soft prompt that it did.

Despite this disadvantage, soft prompts are a powerful tool for adapting LLMs to new tasks, especially for tasks where there is limited training data available.

Here is an example of how soft prompts could be used:

Imagine that you want to train an LLM to write poems. You could start by giving the LLM a set of example poems. The LLM would then learn to recognize the patterns in those poems, such as the rhyme scheme, the meter, and the subject matter.

Once the LLM has learned the patterns in the example poems, you could create a soft prompt by extracting the patterns from the examples. This soft prompt could then be used to guide the LLM to write its own poems.

The LLM would not be able to read the soft prompt, but it would be able to recognize the patterns in the soft prompt and use those patterns to generate creative text.

The format of a soft prompt for the above example could be a string of numbers that represent the rhyme scheme, the meter, and the subject matter of the example poems. For example, the following soft prompt could be used to guide the LLM to write a poem about love:

[ABAB rhyme scheme], [iambic tetrameter], [love]

This soft prompt tells the LLM to write a poem with an ABAB rhyme scheme, in iambic tetrameter, and about the subject of love.

New PeFT Optimization Technique!

Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 on downstream tasks has led to major advances in natural language processing. However, full fine-tuning requires updating all of the model’s parameters, which is computationally expensive. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods address this by only updating a small subset of parameters per task.

P-tuning to customize LLMs

It is challenging to finetune large language models for downstream tasks because they have so many parameters. To work around this, you can use prompts to steer the model toward a particular downstream task without fully finetuning a model. Typically, these prompts are handcrafted, which may be impractical because you need very large validation sets to find the best prompts. P-tuning is a method for automatically searching and optimizing for better prompts in a continuous space.


P-tuning, or prompt tuning, is a parameter-efficient tuning technique that solves this challenge. P-tuning involves using a small trainable model before using the LLM. The small model is used to encode the text prompt and generate task-specific virtual tokens.


Prompt tuning is a way to make large language models (LLMs) perform better on specific tasks. It is an efficient and streamlined process that involves creating soft prompts to interact with a static pre-trained LLM.

LLMs perform better when they are given context. Soft prompts are a way to provide context to LLMs on the fly. This means that prompt tuning can be used to quickly and easily adapt LLMs to new tasks.

However, prompt tuning is not without its challenges. It can be difficult to understand how soft prompts work, which can make it difficult to benchmark and test the performance of LLMs. This is especially true when small changes are made to the prompts.

One way to overcome these challenges is to use vector databases, agents, and prompt pipelines to supply LLMs with relevant contextual data at the right time. These approaches are less efficient than prompt tuning, but they are more transparent and interpretable. This makes them more attractive to organizations that need to be able to fine-tune and scale LLMs.

In short, prompt tuning is a powerful tool for improving the performance of LLMs on specific tasks. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges associated with prompt tuning, such as the lack of transparency and interpretability. Organizations that need to be able to fine-tune and scale LLMs may want to consider using other approaches, such as vector databases, agents, and prompt pipelines.



Shreyansh Shah

Manager, AI Evaluation and Life Science Data Excellence Team