La Sagrada Familia Architecture

Tribhuvan Shah
2 min readJul 1, 2023


La Sagrada Familia is a renowned basilica located in Barcelona, Spain. It is one of the most famous works of the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and is considered an iconic symbol of the city. Gaudí dedicated the latter part of his career to the design and construction of this masterpiece, and it has become one of the most recognized architectural landmarks in the world.

The architecture of La Sagrada Familia is characterized by its unique and innovative style, combining elements of Gothic and Art Nouveau (Modernisme) with Gaudí’s own imaginative and organic designs. The basilica showcases Gaudí’s exceptional creativity, attention to detail, and his ability to integrate natural forms and symbolism into his structures.

One of the most striking features of La Sagrada Familia is its soaring spires. When completed, it will have a total of 18 spires, each representing different biblical figures. The tallest spire, dedicated to Jesus Christ, will reach a height of 170 meters (560 feet) and will make La Sagrada Familia the tallest church building in the world.

The facades of the basilica are intricately decorated with ornate sculptures and intricate stone carvings that depict various religious scenes and symbolism. Gaudí believed that every detail should have a purpose and meaning, and the facades reflect his attention to symbolism and storytelling.

The interior of La Sagrada Familia is equally impressive. The columns inside the basilica branch out like trees, creating a forest-like atmosphere that supports the vaulted ceiling. The light entering through the stained glass windows casts a colorful and ethereal glow, adding to the spiritual ambiance of the space.

Gaudí’s original plans for La Sagrada Familia were ambitious, and he knew that he would not see its completion in his lifetime. Construction of the basilica began in 1882 and is still ongoing today, with an estimated completion date in the first third of the 21st century. The project has relied on donations and public support throughout its construction, and various architects have continued Gaudí’s work, remaining faithful to his vision while adapting to modern construction techniques.

La Sagrada Familia is not only an architectural marvel but also a testament to Gaudí’s genius and his dedication to creating a truly unique and awe-inspiring space. Its ongoing construction and eventual completion will mark a significant milestone in architectural history.

