Making Gitcoin Grants Gasless

yash shah


Yes, we can do it. Thanks to dai’s permit function.

What is the problem?

This is how gitcoin grant works now.

  1. Approve BulkCheckout contract to approve your DAI(or any ERC20 token).
  2. Call donate function of BulkCheckout contract which transfers your token to multiple addresses.

This approve and call pattern is very common but it is not a good user experience and developers are trying to fix that in various ways.

What is the solution?

Use DAI’s permit function to save a transaction. I have updated BulkCheckout contract to include the permit in the contract call itself. Checkout the contract here.

In this pattern user first signs a EIP712 Type signature data which contract can submit.

EIP2612 like permit function signature request

Using this pattern gitcoin grant can be made gasless. (I have made use of EIP-2585 Minimal Meta Transaction Forwarder and Biconomy’s relayer network to do so).

This “permit and transfer” pattern can be really useful and make user experience a bit better. The reason it is not used as much it should is that only a handful of ERC20 tokens has permit function.

Most of the gitcoin grants are donated in DAI and this pattern can help make donating a bit easier.

Checkout the project on github :

Demo Video :

This hack was hacked for the Hack The Hourglass hackathon.

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