100 different packages of Flutter

Shahzeb Naqvi
5 min readJul 19, 2023


In the dynamic world of mobile app development, Flutter has emerged as a game-changer, offering a powerful and versatile platform for building stunning cross-platform applications. One of Flutter’s greatest strengths is its rich ecosystem of packages, which extends the framework’s functionality and simplifies complex tasks. In this blog, we’ll dive into a treasure trove of 100 indispensable Flutter packages that can supercharge your app development journey. From Firebase integration to image handling, state management to UI design, and much more, these packages are the secret weapons that every Flutter developer should have in their arsenal.

100 different packages and their purposes in Flutter:

  1. firebase_core: Provides the core functionality for Firebase services integration.

2. image_picker: Allows users to pick images from their gallery or camera.

3. http: Helps in making HTTP requests and handling responses.

4. provider: Implements the Provider pattern for state management.

5. shared_preferences: Allows saving and retrieving data as key-value pairs on the device.

6. flutter_bloc: Implements the BLoC (Business Logic Component) architecture for state management.

7. sqflite: Enables SQLite database integration for local storage.

8. flutter_localizations: Provides localization support for internationalizing apps.

9. url_launcher: Opens URLs in the device’s web browser.

10. connectivity: Monitors the device’s network connectivity status.

11. webview_flutter: Embeds web views in the Flutter app.

12. path_provider: Retrieves paths for various directories on the device.

13. firebase_auth: Integrates Firebase authentication services.

14. firebase_messaging: Allows sending and receiving push notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging.

15. firebase_storage: Enables integration with Firebase Cloud Storage for handling media files.

16. intl: Provides internationalization and localization support for date, time, and numbers.

17. fluttertoast: Displays toast messages in the app.

18. dio: A powerful HTTP client for making API requests.

19. carousel_slider: Creates a carousel/slider widget for displaying multiple items in a swipeable manner.

20. flutter_redux: Implements Redux state management in Flutter.

21. path: Manipulates and works with file paths.

22. permission_handler: Requests and handles various permissions on the device.

23. flutter_launcher_icons: Helps set custom app launcher icons.

24. camera: Enables camera functionality in the app.

25. google_fonts: Provides access to a wide range of Google Fonts.

26. video_player: Allows playing videos in the app.

27. location: Retrieves the device’s current location.

28. flutter_svg: Renders SVG images in Flutter.

29. photo_view: Displays interactive photo views with zooming capabilities.

30. provider_architecture: An alternative package for implementing Provider-based state management.

31. flutter_html: Renders HTML content in the app.

32. firebase_database: Integrates Firebase Realtime Database.

33. cached_network_image: Caches network images for faster loading and better performance.

34. flutter_spinkit: Displays loading spinners and animations.

35. geolocator: Retrieves the user’s geolocation data.

36. url_launcher_web: Opens URLs on the web platform.

37. flutter_map: Displays interactive maps in the app.

38. flutter_slidable: Implements slide actions for list items.

39. flutter_sound: Records and plays audio in the app.

40. flutter_swiper: Implements a swiper widget for sliding through multiple items.

41. rxdart: Provides reactive programming capabilities with Dart streams.

42. video_player_web: Plays videos on the web platform.

43. flutter_icons: Accesses a wide variety of icons for use in the app.

44. geocoding: Converts addresses into geographic coordinates and vice versa.

45. device_info: Retrieves information about the device.

46. firebase_analytics: Integrates Firebase Analytics for app usage tracking.

47. qr_flutter: Generates QR codes in the app.

48. local_auth: Implements biometric authentication on supported devices.

49. flutter_sound_web: Records and plays audio on the web platform.

50. firebase_crashlytics: Integrates Firebase Crashlytics for crash reporting.

51. image_cropper: Allows cropping images in the app.

52. flutter_bloc_extensions: Adds additional functionalities to the flutter_bloc package.

53. photo_view_gallery: Displays a gallery of photos with zooming capabilities.

54. cached_video_player: Caches videos for smoother playback.

55. flutter_redux_hooks: Provides Redux hooks for state management.

56. google_maps_flutter: Integrates Google Maps in the app.

57. barcode_scan: Scans barcodes and QR codes in the app.

58. flutter_masked_text: Formats text inputs using masks.

59. flutter_native_image: Provides native image processing capabilities.

60. velocity_x: Simplifies UI design and layouts with a declarative syntax.

61. flutter_statusbarcolor: Manages the status bar color on Android devices.

62. easy_localization: Simplifies app localization with easy-to-use APIs.

63. flutter_html_rich_text: Combines flutter_html and flutter_rich_text packages for rendering HTML.

64. flutter_inappwebview: Embeds web views with more customization options.

65. flutter_facebook_auth: Integrates Facebook authentication services.

66. circular_countdown_timer: Displays countdown timers in circular style.

67. url_launcher_windows: Opens URLs on Windows platform.

68. google_sign_in: Enables Google Sign-In functionality.

69. table_calendar: Implements a customizable table calendar widget.

70. firebase_remote_config: Integrates Firebase Remote Config for dynamic app configuration.

71. flutter_custom_tabs: Customizes tabs for Android and iOS platforms.

72. fl_chart: Renders various types of charts in the app.

73. social_share: Allows sharing content to social media platforms.

74. android_intent: Launches Android intents from Flutter apps.

75. sms_autofill: Retrieves SMS verification codes automatically.

76. flutter_speed_dial: Creates floating action buttons with speed dial functionality.

77. flutter_rating_bar: Adds rating bar widgets to the app.

78. flutter_cache_manager: Manages and caches network images and files.

79. flutter_beautiful_popup: Implements beautiful popups in the app.

80. in_app_purchase: Enables in-app purchases and subscriptions.

81. flutter_blurhash: Renders placeholder images with blurhash.

82. flutter_secure_storage: Provides secure key-value storage for sensitive data.

83. firebase_ml_vision: Integrates Firebase ML Vision for on-device machine learning tasks.

84. flutter_sliding_up_panel: Implements sliding panels from the bottom of the screen.

85. flutter_native_splash: Configures native splash screens for the app.

86. flutter_clean_architecture: Implements clean architecture for Flutter projects.

87. flutter_staggered_grid_view: Displays staggered grids with dynamic item sizes.

88. package_info: Retrieves package information from the app.

89. flutter_reorderable_list: Implements reordering of list items.

90. url_launcher_macos: Opens URLs on macOS platform.

91. contacts_service: Retrieves and manages contacts on the device.

92. flutter_sms: Sends SMS messages from the app.

93. flutter_map_marker_popup: Displays customizable popups on flutter_map.

94. email_validator: Validates email addresses.

95. flutter_neumorphic: Implements neumorphic design elements in the app.

96. flutter_radio_player: Plays internet radio streams.

97. simple_animations: Creates animations using a simple API.

98. flutter_colorpicker: Allows picking colors in the app.

99. flutter_phone_direct_caller: Makes direct phone calls from the app.

100. flutter_tindercard: Implements Tinder-like swipe cards in the app.

As we conclude our exploration of these 100 essential Flutter packages, it’s evident that Flutter’s vibrant ecosystem opens up endless possibilities for app developers. Each package serves a specific purpose, helping you overcome challenges, streamline your code, and create remarkable user experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned Flutter developer or just starting your journey, these packages will undoubtedly accelerate your app development process.

Remember, with Flutter’s rapidly growing community and a continuous influx of new packages, there’s always something new to explore. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, leverage these powerful packages, and push the boundaries of mobile app development with Flutter!

Happy coding, and may your apps flutter to success!

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Shahzeb Naqvi

Currently I am looking for a job that will be related to my field of work. Looking forward to work in Development environment that gives me scope to enhance me.