Exploring the Latest Features in Flutter 3.18: Beta Release | Top 8 Features

Shahzeb Naqvi
4 min readJan 21, 2024


This article delves into the latest release of Flutter, version 3.18, which, although in beta, introduces a plethora of exciting features. Among the highlights are seamless Apple font integration, enhanced Adaptive Switch, and improved scrolling behavior. Developers now enjoy increased control with the addition of MaterialStatesController support for Text Widgets, offering dynamic responses. Without further ado, let’s explore the eight significant aspects that come with this update.

1. Apple System Fonts Support in Flutter Text

2. Adaptive Switch Component Enhancement

3. Scrolling Behavior Enhancements

4. Extended Access to Text Widgets’ State

5. UndoHistory Stack Modification

6. Visual and Animation Improvements

7. Framework Commit Highlights

8. Engine Upgrades and Specialization Constants

1. Apple System Fonts Support in Flutter Text

With this latest update, text in Flutter now exhibits a more compact and native appearance on iOS. The “Text” font has undergone adjustments to enhance compatibility with potential changes in Apple’s API, ensuring its security for the future. Additionally, the “Display” font has been rectified to function correctly, resolving any issues it previously had.

2. Adaptive Switch Component Enhancement

In this enhancement, the Switch.adaptive implementation has undergone updates. Previously dependent on the Cupertino library, it now operates independently. The Material component manages all aspects, and the .adaptive version supports all switch properties. Moreover, users have the flexibility to customize the appearance of adaptive components.

3. Scrolling Behavior Enhancements

This update highlights the refinement of scrolling behavior, introducing the capability to configure default scrolling through MultiTouchDragStrategy.latestPointer. This ensures a uniform scrolling experience, irrespective of the number of fingers involved. The release addresses concerns related to scrolling interruptions during drag or tap actions, contributing to a smoother and predictable scrolling encounter. These enhancements contribute to an improved user experience, rendering Flutter applications more responsive and user-friendly in scrolling interactions.

4. Extended Access to Text Widgets’ State

Flutter’s TextField and TextFormField receive a significant boost with the introduction of MaterialStatesController support. This empowers developers to effortlessly monitor and react to state changes, adding dynamism to the user interface. The incorporation of MaterialStatesController enhances flexibility, offering new opportunities for creating interactive and engaging Flutter applications.

5. UndoHistory Stack Modification

A notable enhancement focuses on resolving issues within the undo/redo history stack, particularly concerning Japanese keyboards. Developers now enjoy increased control over the UndoHistory stack, enabling more efficient management of user interaction history in their applications. This becomes crucial in scenarios where undo and redo functionalities play a vital role in user workflows. Addressing these concerns contributes to an improved overall user experience, ensuring seamless operation of undo and redo functions, particularly in applications heavily reliant on text input and manipulation.

6. Visual and Animation Improvements

This update introduces numerous enhancements to elevate the visual and animated components of the user interface. A significant improvement is the inclusion of a standardized UnderlineInputBorder, offering a consistent appearance to text input fields. Another notable addition is the AnimationStyle, empowering developers with increased control over the visual aspects of their app animations. The update further tackles concerns with the sliver persistent header expand animation, ensuring a more seamless scrolling experience. Additionally, developers gain the ability to customize the NavigationBar indicator overlay, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of navigation elements. These collective changes contribute to a refined and visually captivating user interface for Flutter applications.

7. Framework Commit Highlights

These updates aim to enhance stability, speed, and functionality. Notable improvements involve enhanced testing for the BottomNavigationBar, facilitating the testing of navigation components. Developers now receive informative error messages in case of inconsistencies with ThemeData and ColorScheme, streamlining issue identification and resolution. Compatibility with the latest Android version, Android 34, is also ensured for optimized performance. These changes collectively bolster Flutter’s reliability and user-friendliness, delivering an upgraded experience for developers.

8. Engine Upgrades and Specialization Constants

Flutter 3.18 introduces significant improvements to the underlying Flutter Engine, the core of the Flutter framework. A noteworthy change involves the addition of specialization constants to Impeller, resulting in a substantial reduction in the uncompressed size of the Flutter engine. This optimization translates to Flutter apps occupying less space, contributing to enhanced overall performance. The update also includes refinements in graphics, addressing blurriness and enhancing the rendering of graphics. Collectively, these upgrades make Flutter a more efficient and high-performing framework, offering developers the ability to create applications with improved loading times and responsiveness. The information has been compiled from various sources, and any inaccuracies or misinterpretations are welcome to be pointed out for correction.

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Shahzeb Naqvi

Currently I am looking for a job that will be related to my field of work. Looking forward to work in Development environment that gives me scope to enhance me.