Layout Cheat Sheet Flutter

Shahzeb Naqvi
3 min readOct 29, 2021


Do you want layout a flutter?

Table of Contents

  • Row and Column
  • IntrinsicWidth and IntrinsicHeight
  • Stack
  • Expanded
  • ConstrainedBox
  • Align
  • Container
    decoration: BoxDecoration
    • image: DecorationImage
    • border: Border
    • borderRadius: BorderRadius
    • shape: BoxShape
    • boxShadow: List<BoxShadow>
    • gradient: RadialGradient
    • backgroundBlendMode: BlendMode
  • Material
    • shape: BeveledRectangleBorder
  • Slivers
    • SliverFillRemaining
  • SizedBox
  • SafeArea

Row and Column




Perfect for overlaying Widgets on top of each other


children: <Widget>[

Container( width: 100, height: 100, color:, ),

Container( width: 90, height: 90, color:, ),

Container( width: 80, height: 80, color:, ),

], )


Expanded works with Flex\Flexbox layout and is great for distributing space between multiple items.

Expanded widget in flutter comes in handy when we want a child widget or children widgets to take all the available space along the main-axis (for Row the main axis is horizontal & vertical for Column). Expanded widget can be taken as the child of Row, Column, and Flex.


By default, most of the widgets will use as little space as possible:


n different platforms, there are special areas like Status Bar on Android or the Notch on iPhone X that we might avoid drawing under.

The solution to this problem is SafeArea widget (example without/with SafeArea)

In case you have a question that is important to you and don’t want me to miss it, you can send me.



Shahzeb Naqvi

Currently I am looking for a job that will be related to my field of work. Looking forward to work in Development environment that gives me scope to enhance me.