Strengthening Security in Your Litho Flutter App with SSL Pinning

Shahzeb Naqvi
2 min readSep 10, 2023


In today’s digital age, security is paramount. As mobile app developers, ensuring the safety of user data and communication is not just a priority but a responsibility. One powerful technique to bolster the security of your Litho Flutter app is SSL pinning.

What Is SSL Pinning?

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) pinning is a security practice that involves validating the authenticity of an SSL certificate presented by a server. In simple terms, it ensures that your app communicates only with trusted servers and prevents potential attackers from intercepting or tampering with data.

Why SSL Pinning Matters?

SSL pinning is essential because it protects your app from various security threats:

  1. Mitigates Server Spoofing: By verifying the server’s SSL certificate, SSL pinning prevents attackers from impersonating the server.
  2. Defends Against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: It safeguards against man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks where malicious actors intercept and manipulate data between the app and server.
  3. Enhances Data Integrity: SSL pinning ensures that the data exchanged between the client and server remains secure and unaltered.

Implementing SSL Pinning in Flutter

Now, let’s explore how you can implement SSL pinning in your Litho Flutter app:

Step 1: Obtain the Server SSL Certificate

Begin by obtaining the SSL certificate from the server your app communicates with. This certificate should be securely stored and not exposed to potential attackers.

Step 2: Include the Certificate in Your App

Next, include the SSL certificate in your app’s assets or resources. Ensure that it is protected and cannot be easily extracted by unauthorized parties.

Step 3: Implement SSL Pinning

In your Flutter app code, implement SSL pinning by comparing the server’s certificate with the one included in your app’s assets. If they match, the connection proceeds; otherwise, it is blocked.

flutter pub add http_certificate_pinning

import 'package:http_certificate_pinning/http_certificate_pinning.dart';

SecureHttpClient _getSecureClient() {
final secureClient =[
return secureClient;
http.Response response = await getSecureClient()
headers: _headers,
body: jsonEncode(request.body),
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 60));


SSL pinning is a crucial security measure for Litho Flutter apps, providing robust protection against potential threats. By following best practices and staying updated with security standards, you can ensure your app’s security remains uncompromised.

Incorporating SSL pinning into your development process is a proactive step towards securing your users’ data and establishing trust in your app. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, prioritizing security is non-negotiable.

Stay secure, and happy coding!



Shahzeb Naqvi

Currently I am looking for a job that will be related to my field of work. Looking forward to work in Development environment that gives me scope to enhance me.