Can Mennonites use technology?

5 min readJan 8, 2024


The Mennonite community, with its commitment to a simple and traditional lifestyle, often raises the question: “Can Mennonites use technology?” This is not a straightforward query, as the relationship between Mennonites and technology varies significantly across different communities. Some embrace certain technologies, while others adhere to a more conservative stance.

Understanding the Mennonite Community

Origins and Beliefs of Mennonites

Mennonites are a Christian group that originated from the Anabaptist movement in the 16th century. They are known for their commitment to peace, community living, and simple lifestyle. Mennonites often interpret Christ’s teachings literally, which influences their approach to various aspects of life, including technology.

Mennonites and Technology: A Complex Relationship

Contrary to popular belief, Mennonites do not outright reject all forms of technology. Instead, their approach to technology is thoughtful and deliberate, often involving a community-wide decision-making process. The use of technology among Mennonites is not based on the belief that technology is inherently evil but rather on how it aligns with their values and impacts their way of life.

The Spectrum of Technology Use Among Mennonites

Progressive Mennonites and Technology

More progressive Mennonite communities have embraced certain technologies for various purposes. For instance, some use phones and social media for communication, networking, and business. Some Mennonite businesses even use social media for marketing purposes.

Conservative Mennonites and Technology

On the other end of the spectrum, more conservative Mennonite communities maintain a stricter approach to technology use. For example, Old Order Mennonites typically avoid modern conveniences like cars and cell phones, opting for simpler machinery and traditional methods in their daily lives.

The Role of Technology in Mennonite Life

Technology for Business and Communication

Technology plays a significant role in the lives of many Mennonites, particularly in the areas of business and communication. For instance, some Mennonites use computers for business purposes. In contrast, others use phones and the internet to stay connected with family and friends.

Technology and Mennonite Values

Their core values often guide the use of technology among Mennonites. For instance, technologies that promote community interaction and simplicity are more likely to be accepted. However, technologies that are seen as promoting individualism or complicating their lifestyle may be rejected.

The Mennonite Approach to New Technologies

Deliberation Before Adoption

When it comes to adopting new technologies, Mennonites take their time with it. Instead, they engage in careful deliberation, considering the potential impacts on their community and way of life. This thoughtful approach ensures that any adopted technology aligns with their values and beliefs.

Selective Adoption of Technology

Mennonites often adopt a selective approach to technology use. They distinguish between useful technology and technology that is for entertainment or convenience. This selective approach allows them to maintain their traditional lifestyle while benefiting from certain aspects of modern technology.

The Impact of Technology on Mennonite Communities

Benefits of Technology Use

The use of technology has brought several benefits to Mennonite communities. For instance, it has facilitated communication, enabled business growth, and provided tools for various tasks. In some cases, technology has even been used to maintain and strengthen community ties.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite the benefits, the use of technology also presents certain challenges for Mennonites. There are concerns about the potential negative impacts on their way of life, such as promoting individualism over community or complicating their simple lifestyle. As such, Mennonites continue to navigate the balance between embracing useful technology and preserving their traditional values.

Comparing Mennonites and Other Anabaptist Groups

Mennonites vs Amish: A Technology Perspective

While both Mennonites and Amish stem from the Anabaptist tradition, their approach to technology differs. Unlike the Amish, who tend to shy away from technology, Mennonites have embraced certain technologies, such as motorized vehicles, electricity, and telephones.

Lessons from the Mennonite Approach to Technology

The Mennonite approach to technology offers valuable insights for the broader society. Their thoughtful and deliberate approach to technology adoption, guided by community values and the potential impact on their way of life, provides a unique perspective in a world where rapid technology adoption is the norm.


In conclusion, the question “Can Mennonites use technology?” does not have a simple yes or no answer. The relationship between Mennonites and technology is complex and varies across different communities. While some Mennonites have embraced certain technologies, others maintain a more conservative stance. Their approach to technology is thoughtful and deliberate, guided by their values and the potential impact on their way of life.

Some FAQs of “Can Mennonites use technology?”

Do all Mennonites reject technology?
No, not all Mennonites reject technology. The use of technology varies across different Mennonite communities, with some embracing certain technologies and others maintaining a more conservative stance.

How do Mennonites decide whether to use a certain technology?
Mennonites often engage in a community-wide decision-making process when considering the adoption of a new technology. They consider how the technology aligns with their values and impacts their way of life.

What types of technology do Mennonites use?
The types of technology used by Mennonites can range from phones and computers to simple machinery, depending on the community. Some Mennonites use technology for business purposes, while others use it for communication and networking.

How do the Mennonites’ views on technology differ from the Amish?
Unlike the Amish, who tend to shy away from technology, Mennonites have embraced certain technologies, such as motorized vehicles, electricity, and telephones. However, the level of technology use can vary among different Mennonite communities.

What are some benefits and challenges of technology use among Mennonites?
The use of technology has facilitated communication, enabled business growth, and provided tools for various tasks among Mennonites. However, there are also challenges, such as potential negative impacts on their way of life and the need to maintain their traditional values.

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