Top 6 Technologies That Will Shape The Future Of The Metaverse

Shaik khubra
2 min readApr 7, 2023


Why is there a rise in the importance of Metaverse?

The metaverse is a virtual world for users. It helps interact and engage with each other in activities, such as business activities, socializing, and gaming. There is a rise in the metaverse popularity, and users are pouring efforts and funds, to get into the emerging space.

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Top 6 Technologies that will shape the future of the metaverse

1. AR &VR

AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) play a crucial role in the metaverse. The virtual experience is enthralling and creates for the metaverse, engaging, and immersive 3D environments. The metaverse and virtual reality features differences are prominent such as:

VR is the broader metaverse part. It comprises several technologies complementing VR technology.

VR enables us to see 3D simulations, but VR technologies do not provide physical simulations.

Here, the AR helps to expand the metaverse scope. It enables users to create physical simulations and feel things. Users can feel, hear and interact as if they are present physically using a virtual metaverse. The VR combination with AR technologies offers a more realistic metaverse resulting in various companies ready for massive investments.

2. 3D modeling and reconstruction

3D reconstruction captures real objects’ appearance and shape, thereby offering the metaverse a reality. It includes tools such as 3D modeling providing a three-dimensional framework and a product prototype. The 3D reconstruction technology creates an environment representing real-world virtual events. 3D reconstruction gives lifelike and realistic models for users….(More)

