SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYThe Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise1. It Can Make You Feel Happier Exercise has been shown to improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and stress...Jul 19, 2020Jul 19, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYBug in relationships: suspicious insecurityIt is a giant personality disorder in which you unconsciously 🤔 believe that other person is doing wrong ❌ with you or might be cheating…Jul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYHow to set yourself free from preconceived thoughts ❓❓📌 We all have our own created mental filters ...That mental filters help us with interpreting the informative stuff all around us ...Jul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYThe Power of self -disciplineSelf - discipline😎 in truest sense implies obeying every rule without letting oneself resist. It cannot be developed overnight🌛 and it…Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYCourage, the Flip Side of FearCourage is the awareness of true measure of danger, and the mental willingness to endure it. Courage is often understood to have two…Jul 8, 2020Jul 8, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYAngerOf all negative feelings people can experience , anger is probably the most common in the world ...We live in the midst of anger…Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYWhat is self love?Self love💚 is misunderstood with selfishness and only bothering about oneself.😏 Loving others and having gratitude is also undeniable…Jul 6, 2020Jul 6, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYDESTINYDestiny is the word which leaves suspense and unexpected upcoming events in our life. What is going to happen nobody knows, but what can…Jun 22, 2020Jun 22, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYFEARFear is the state of the mind when a person does not know the solution of the existing problem, that means fear comes with some difficulty…Jun 20, 2020Jun 20, 2020
SHAILENDRA UPADHYAYLOVEThe only word which is present in every dictionary but can’t be defined properly in any one of them. One who writes its definition for one…Jun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020