This One Quote Changed How I Live My Life

Aman Stories
2 min readMay 9, 2024

‘Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s.’ , __ Anaïs Nin

You know how sometimes it feels like you have to pretend to fit in with other kids? Like you have to laugh at things that aren’t really funny or like the same stuff everyone else does? Well, I used to feel like that a lot.

It was like I was wearing a costume all the time. I’d smile and say things, but inside, I felt kind of empty, like nobody knew the real me. In school, it was even harder because some kids just didn’t seem to notice me at all!

So, I did something kind of funny. I started to build a world inside my head. It was a place where I could be totally myself. I read books that took me on adventures, listened to music that made me feel all sorts of things, and even started drawing crazy pictures!

At first, I kept my world a secret. It felt safe that way. But then something amazing happened. In art class, I painted a really messy picture, just colors and shapes everywhere. My teacher loved it! She said it showed the real me.

That made me think. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to let people see bits and pieces of my world. So, I started sharing a little — like a song I loved, or a funny idea I had. And guess what? Some kids actually liked those things too!

It turned out they liked the real me, the one with all my own special ideas and feelings. Now, I have friends who like me just the way I am. We’re kind of like a team with our own secret hideout.

So, if you ever feel like you have to pretend, remember, it’s way more fun to build your own world inside. Fill it with the things you love, and one day, you might be surprised who wants to come and play with you!



Aman Stories

Always curious! Exploring self-improvement, relationships, money, and the AI revolution. Follow me!