Metaverse, Volumetric Content and Digital Avatar

Shailey Singh
4 min readJan 11, 2022


Learn, Create and Grow in the Spatial Web 3.0

Photo by Adam Jícha on Unsplash

Metaverse is a new word that entered our lives in 2021 and soon became vernacular and just about everyone who spends a few hours scrolling, swiping or viewing has heard the term to know that we are entering into this new age of digital world where our online and offline lives will merge. Sometimes makes sense, sometimes sounds vague. But one thing is for sure — We agree the concept seems a big deal.

In my previous article, I have discussed the concept of the Metaverse in detail. Let me simplify by saying that today we consume content on the internet through out laptop or smartphone by scrolling, swiping — we attend office meetings on Zoom, shop on Amazon, attend college classes all while staring into the screen… the Metaverse of tomorrow, we will be inside this content in a 3D format. How?

My digital embodiment/ digital representation or better called “ Digital Avatar” will be created and this will move inside the virtual created 3D environment allowing me to be an active part of a spatial environment — to enter Metaverse stores to shop, attend classes with my friend’s digital avatars, attend meetings with my colleagues/bosses digital avatars…..sounds cool.

No more time and space barrier!

Click on this embed and see Meta’s interactive creation of Digital Avatars.

But all this would be fun only if the experience created feels if not exactly real — but let’s say as good as real. If my and my friend’s Digital Avatars actually look real, moves real like us, show gestures like us and the environment that we are moving in is just as close to real as possible. Hence not Cartoon Avatars — but the REAL ME. Otherwise what’s even the point?

We need to be immersed in this environment to truly enjoy it. Now before we go ahead, I would strongly urge that you read my previous article which speaks of the Metaverse in detail and talks about immersive experiences.

And once you do, here’s the one question everyone is wondering…

How to create my Digital Avatar? How to enjoy the experiences in the metaverse?

The answer is Immersive Volumetric Capture ( as of today that’s the answer, many changes are coming in and will keep coming over the next few years to enhance immersiveness in the Metaverse). Volumetric capture creates human holograms which look like us and are our digital avatars in 3D.

Holographic capture by HYPERVSN

Volumetric Capture is done using an array of cameras around a person and then record the person from all angles and capture their body movements. Now we are talking a huge array of cameras — some companies claim of their studios focusing close to 100 cameras. The captured video data is collected, processed by softwares and then converted into a 3D Avatar.

Dimension Studio in London has been in the limelight with creating Luxury brand Balenciaga’s Afterworld immersive video created by volumetric capturing of real-life models and garments in a game environment.

Probably the top in the field today, Dimension Studio showcases a studio of 106 camera-array and the capability to scan and create a human avatar in seconds. Mind-blowing 👀

Volumetric Video Specs at Dimension Studio
Volumetric Video capture — Dimension Studio Specs from Website

Simply put, you need to rig together a number of cameras around the model or subject and click from all angles. Sync the outputs of all cameras on software and produce a 3D hologram or avatar.

Do I need on high-end cameras ? Yes, better quality cameras and more number of cameras means a high- end volumetric video capture — also means more money spent. No wonder Dimension Studio stands tall for luxury clients.

Can I do this with mobile camera? Yes, experimentally though results are average. Best results today are with iPhone …multiple apps such as Volu have allowed people to create their own holograms

But remember single -angle mobile capture will not look as realistic because it captures the front view and Avatar back is usually generated by the software . However, its a start to learn and work with.

Are there softwares that allow me to do this? Yes, FaceRig is a popular software for creating these 3D Avatars for game environments but again like I said, I need Real Me and nor Cartoon Me for immersive experiences to be made a reality.

So where do we stand now?

  • Volumetric Capture is essentially an interesting concept with potential to revolutionize the content creation space in the Metaverse of tomorrow.
  • It is expensive today and requires a lot of effort and hard work. For mass adoption we need cost reduction and more technological developments creating higher realistic likeliness.
  • Today it is in use and exploration more by Luxury brands and other pioneer entrants in the Metaverse space. How it grows is definitely something to watch out for.

See another interesting usage for Logo Avatars by Louis Vuitton in store-displays.

Content is changing. Start learning today for more interactive solutions tomorrow! Keep reading.



Shailey Singh

Web3 Content & Brand Strategist l Growth Marketer l Meme lover 😹 l Metaverse Enthusiast ✨