The Metaverse Skill Set for Gen Z

Shailey Singh
3 min readNov 8, 2021


Razor your skill set to take the metaverse market head-on!

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Metaverse has been trending as one of the most searched words this week after announcements by Zuckerberg and Satya Nadella for setting the dream of this futuristic (not so future anymore)digital parallel world where we will be omnipresent and omni-connected to our work, loved ones, friends and hobbies all in one go.

The inception of this new tech universe will require a massive skill set overhaul and Gen Zs need to step-up the game to bring in this wave. If you are looking to hone yourself for a career in this metaverse ecosystem, your role will range anywhere between creators, blockchain, AI, AR, VR, crypto and NFTs, storage and many other newer age web 3.0 technologies.

Here are some tips to help you jump-start with the right skill-set:

1. Understand the concept of Metaverse

To land any job the first requirement is a formal study or experience in the field. Since metaverse is a new breakthrough so there aren’t many courses available yet across universities and experience is a little further in the future. So that leaves with develop an understanding of the actual concept and the thought behind the Metaverse. Top universities are offering some courses which will set pace for Metaverse education- the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford university is perhaps the best to watch for and offers project opportunities. Similarly Hackernoons, bootcamps and others like MITs Reality hack offer interesting learning opportunities ( upcoming in January 2022).

2. Connect with the right audience set

Select the space you like the best in Metaverse. Watch this interesting YouTube video for an interesting insight into spaces available:

The Metaverse ecosystem will be huge and diverse as you may have well watched above. Select that space which matches your interest area and start networking with companies, people, audience, follow thought leaders in that particular space. From tech to Defi, from creators, artists, gamers to ad thinkers, from AI to AR…the metaverse has something for everyone to be a part of. Find your space!

3. The Job Creators- Big tech to Innovators Wagon

Yes we have heard the buzz with Facebook calling it Social tech and Microsoft indulging us in Immersive Work tech and Epic, Robolox, Nvidia creating gamers delight, Cisco with its holographic headsets… the big names in tech have spoken; but that isn’t all. The metaverse is abound with decentralized innovative platforms which are creating their own storm in the art, gaming, esports and education economy. Check this interesting site i stumbled upon- Metaverse jobs- to get an idea of the jobs as of today So it isn’t necessary to wait for big tech to roll out hiring calls, surf the pages for other ecosystems which will help usher in this decentralized interoperable ecosystem of not so far tomorrow!



Shailey Singh

Web3 Content & Brand Strategist l Growth Marketer l Meme lover 😹 l Metaverse Enthusiast ✨