Blue Collar vs. White Collar Ad-Fraud

Shailin Dhar
1 min readMar 15, 2016


Given the high amount of fraudulent traffic in the advertising ecosystem, every company doing business in the space has touched it at some point of time.

There are, however, some companies that have a regular stream of Non-Human Traffic. Revenue is regularly generated from the purchase and sale of this traffic. The parallel I’m trying to draw is between this and crime (note: Ad-Fraud is not a crime, yet.)

We classify crimes by two over-arching categories: Blue Collar and White Collar.

Here are the differences between blue-collar and white-collar ad-fraud:

BlueCollar Ad-Fraud:

  • Involved mainly in the distribution of NHT
  • Less direct access to brand budgets
  • Fully aware of the existence of NHT
  • Are usually smaller companies
  • Have minimal public exposure
  • Majority of their revenue is from NHT

WhiteCollar Ad-Fraud:

  • Involved mainly in the consumption of NHT
  • More direct access to brand budgets
  • Willfully ignore the existence of NHT
  • Are usually larger companies
  • Have a lot of public exposure
  • Majority of their revenue is not from NHT



Shailin Dhar

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