My experience with Data Science !! Are you ready to start yours ???

Shailja Jaiswal
4 min readJun 25, 2020


Hello Everyone:)

Data Science may sound as the sexiest and highest paying job of the era but you must be well aware about the behind story. So, here I am, lessening your pain of going through different websites for gaining information on Data Science. This blog is for everyone who has started or is thinking to start their carrer in Data Science. I will take this opportuntity to share my experience in the field of data science. I started my Data Science carrer 2 years back, then I was very naive to this field. When I was told to start working on a project involving data science, I was intoduced with the term “ Data Science” then!! There were a series of questions running in my head —

What is Data Science??????

What does a Data Scientist do??????

What is Machine Learning?????

What is data wrangling and so on………


So, moving further, I would like to answer my very first question —

What is Data Science ???

There are many definitions available for Data Science. But in simple words, data science is the detailed study of data present in different formats like structured data or unstructures data. Digital data is increasing rapidly with time and it is of great importnace in this domain. Data is recorded, stored and analysed to gain useful insights and knowledge.

Data science generally has a five-stage lifecycle that consists of (1):

  1. Capture: Data acquisition, data entry, signal reception, data extraction
  2. Maintain: Data warehousing, data cleansing, data staging, data processing, data architecture
  3. Process: Data mining, clustering/classification, data modeling, data summarization
  4. Communicate: Data reporting, data visualization, business intelligence, decision making
  5. Analyze: Exploratory/confirmatory, predictive analysis, regression, text mining, qualitative analysis

(1): Source UC Berkeley

Stages in Data Science (Source :

This domain requires competence in programming skills and a good understanding of math and statistics to convert disparate data into a meaningful one.

Now, having answered the first question, I am moving towards the second.

Can you call yourself a Data Scientist?? What are the skills required to be one??

Source :

Data Scientist is someone who can collect large amount of data, analyse it and extract information to solve business problems, using tools from Machine Learning and Statistics.

Data Scientist should have strong programming skills. They can either use Python or R as a programming language.

A Data Scientist should be curious, creative and a critical thinker. They should have an eagerness for connecting the dots and a thirst to find out the answers or opportunities lying hidden within.

They should be highly skilled in data visualisation and data engineering to get only the vital values enhancing efficiency.

A data scientist should be a great story teller to communicate your clearly the steps involved. If you skip this step, then all the hard work goes in vain.

Data Scientist must have skills (Source :

So, if you have have the above skills, “Hola!!! You’re a Data Scientist :)”

Hurray!!!!!!! (Source :

Follow me for my further blog on Decrypting Machine Learning Step by Step!!

All in all, thank you for reading and let’s connect with me on LinkedIn at

Source :

