How to increase your FOCUS?

Shailja Dwivedi
5 min readApr 14, 2021

Successful people maintain a positive focus on life no matter what is going around them.

Jack Canfield

Every successful person has great focusing power. And that's what I'll be sharing. As I believe if we can't focus all our energies on a particular task. Then how will we yield results? Just like

focusing the sun rays burns the paper similarly focusing your energies for the task yields results

Train your brain

The first and foremost step towards enhancing your focus is to play brain games. Games that help you to train your brain and helps to increase your concentration level. There are tons of apps and websites where you play and train your brain. For instance, Braingle, Queendom, Elevate, Crosswords. And other popular games like chess and Sudoku. Playing brain-training games enhances your focusing and concentration power. And you leverage this power in your exams. So later you can wonder about the scores of your subjects. Jokes apart, these brain training games help a lot, and personally I like Elevate and playing chess matches. Hang on with these games you'll surely get benefits out of it.

Take a sound sleep

The next obvious step towards better Concentration and focusing power is sleep. With this fast-paced and ever-exhausting world. We're becoming more sleep-deprived. I'd want to ask you, how many hours of sleep do you take? How many glasses of water do you drink? Is your diet balanced? Think and please be true to yourself. Answer yourself, am I doing good deeds with my body? For most people, the answer might be No. So why are we not taking care of our health? Why are we not sleeping for 6-7 hours? I'm not forcing you to do what I say. However, Self-awareness is a great way to deal with such issues. Tons of people are facing insomnia. They're sleep-deprived and they're not even concerned about it. In my humble opinion, one can switch off all one's devices just an hour before you hit the hay. You can also get your favorite room freshener for the aroma. The fragrance will also help you to sleep faster and better. Let the ventilation system pour tons of fresh air, this'll avoid suffocation. Thus these were some of the ways by which you can get a sound sleep. A happy and peaceful sleep is way better than eating pills for insomnia.

Regularly Exercise

Exercise the power-packed way to skyrocket your Concentration and focus level. As you enter your body releases certain hormones. These are dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine which all helps to boost your focusing power. So don't you think so a 20-minute exercise is better than faffing around? Why not try out some exercise regimes, it makes you active and fitter. And boosts your concentration level too.

Connect with Nature

Nature is the best healer for everyone. It heals childhood traumas, it heals your physical wounds, it can even calm and relax your soul. The best way to get rid of your anxieties is to get connected with nature.

A study shows, walking on grass for a few minutes will lower your cortisol level (stress hormone). This brings you peace and calms your mind and soul. This is a peaceful moment and brings you increased focus. So whenever you feel anxious or bad. Walk on grass and connect with nature.

Turn to Meditation

Meditation is the renowned method of improving your focusing power. Think about it in this way, you're breathing and focusing on your every breath. With the repetitive focusing on these countless breaths wouldn't you increase your Focusing powers? You'll, right? So why waste any further single second? Turn on to Meditation. Try practicing meditation for at least 10 minutes every day. And you'll notice remarkable changes. Are you ready to see these changes?

Take Small Breaks

Humans were not made to work continuously for hours. However, our strenuous work culture made it happen. We humans work most productively when working with regular short breaks. I take small breaks to keep up with my productivity. So that I don't get worn out and finish all the tasks. Take some small breaks and work in chunks. Thus not only boosts your Productivity but also focus. With these small breaks, your focus increases, and you complete your tasks faster. Wouldn't it be amazing?

Listen to Music

Music has always been therapy in calming and relaxing the mind. Listen to soothing music when you feel tightened up. You can also listen to any white noise, which will enhance your focusing power. So why wait anymore? Turn on your favorite music!

Bottom line

It's you who'll improve the Focusing and concentration level. The great news is you can increase your focus not by munching on junk foods. Keep a check on what you're feeding your body and mind. Feed your body with a balanced diet and you'll yield great results. Feed your mind with positive thoughts and that'll become your actions.

Key Takeaways

✓Train your brain

✓Take a sound sleep

✓Regularly Exercise

✓Connect with Nature

✓Turn to Meditation

✓Take Small Breaks

✓Listen to Music

Focus on the possibilities of success than focusing on the potential of failures".

- Napoleon Hill

Pictures — Pixabay

