Period Talk: Stop Sending Jersey Beach Whistles to Our Shores.

Shaina Waterhouse
8 min readApr 22, 2019
Photo by Josefin on Unsplash

The period week is such a fun time, is it not? Cramps hit you at unexpected moments, your purse is strapped to your side for every bathroom trip, and oh yeah, you get to destroy all of your underwear with blood stains.

Only joy flows from the crimson tide.

All joking aside, however, I want to talk about the products we use to sop up Aunt Flow, and how those products are affecting the environment. In honor of Earth Day, let’s period better ladies.

Below I outline the common, commercial period products and their waste-free alternatives, but before we get too far I want to ask why you haven’t switched products already?

Waste-free items are more cost effective and better for the environment, but most women still choose tampons and pads to handle their monthly friend.

Tampons and pads are admittedly the most convenient option. We’ve all been using them since we were teens, and we know what we are doing. Changing things up, especially when it comes to handling period blood, can seem a little intimidating and if we are being honest, gross.

I say it’s time women become more conscious consumers and stop feeling uncomfortable about what comes out during menstruation. It’s natural, and we should be dealing with it in a way…



Shaina Waterhouse

Curious learner, sharing stories about relationships, love, and personal development.