You Shouldn’t Play Hard to Get in a Relationship

Stop with the mind games if you want to create a real connection.

Shaina Waterhouse
4 min readMar 12, 2020
Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

Growing up girls are told they should play hard to get.

The idea is that guys find mysterious and aloof women more appealing. There’s excitement in the chase so guys will put in extra effort to pursue you.

Believing you need to appear somewhat uninterested in a man to get his attention does not create a healthy relationship mindset. Case in point, I was talking about relationships with one of my co-workers and she shared this nugget of wisdom with me:

“A relationship will only last if the guy likes you more than you like him.”

She spoke with such conviction all I could do was shake my head in disbelief. She didn’t use the words “hard to get” but that was the underlying mentality. The guy needed to care more so the woman is always being chased.

When you have this mentality, you dole out affection based on a weighted scale. You never allow yourself to give more than you think you’ve received.

This makes it difficult to fully open up to your significant other.

If that doesn’t convince you why playing hard to get is a bad idea, then keep reading for more reasons why this mind game…



Shaina Waterhouse

Curious learner, sharing stories about relationships, love, and personal development.