Growing Up and Its Nostalgia Effect

Shaira Ane Lasic
2 min readJun 23, 2024


credits to: luciana farrell on pinterest ❤

“When you breathe, you hope.”

The biggest thing about growing up is being able to hope. You are able to manage the path you are going to take simply because you want to change a misery that was once broke you out. But what if we breathe the same air as hopeful as we are in our times of childhood?

As a writer, I was also once a kid who spills out uno cards under the tree and immensely gazing the sun with my cousins. At those times that I was always given another set of cards, my cousin who turned out to be my bestfriend as we grow up helped me to be hopeful so I can win. But as we lose and the other group won playing with it, my heart felt an agony.

Agony that woke up my sleep filled of mind. Maybe growing up is not all about winning. Maybe growing up is not all about taking risks and chances. Maybe growing up is letting ourselves be hopeful and let that hope change our catalystic mind to a reality.

A reality that life is not all about wins and happiness. Because that is what growing up is all about; you feel less joy.

