Testing RxJS Observables Just Became Super Simple — Using Observer SpiesYesterday I announced a new open source library I created:Jun 11, 20201Jun 11, 20201
ng-conf — The event that changed my lifeSPOILER ALERT: I’m back at speaking in this year’s ng-conf 2020Feb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020
Angular Testing Tip — The Easiest Way To Start Your TestI believe that one of the reasons people struggle with writing tests is a lack of a systematic approach.Oct 18, 20191Oct 18, 20191
Lessons from 2018 — and why I won’t be speaking in 20192018 was one of the most important years in my life in terms of lessons learned and life changing realizations. Here is what I learnedDec 31, 20182Dec 31, 20182
Angular Routing — A Better Pattern For Large Scale AppsIt’s been a while since my last post because I’ve been busy cooking you people some pretty interesting Angular testing learning material.Sep 21, 201822Sep 21, 201822
Learn RxJS switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap and exhaustMap, FOREVER! 😎Last month I went to ng-conf 2018 together with Mike Brocchi and Pete Bacon Darwin to give a talk called:May 20, 201838May 20, 201838
Procrastination And Stress… And The Story Behind Our RxJS SwitchMap TalkNot a lot of people know this about me, but I am an experienced and certified procrastinator. (With a diploma and all…)Apr 15, 20181Apr 15, 20181
Fighting PerfectionismHello, I’m Shai, and today I’m quitting my perfectionism.Feb 9, 20188Feb 9, 20188