Android Clean Architecture

Mastering Android Development: Clean Architecture, MVVM, and Offline Functionality with Android Compose

Abdul Rahman
20 min readOct 24, 2023


Welcome to the world of Android development! If you’ve ever wondered how to create a well-structured, robust Android app that works seamlessly online and offline, you’re in the right place. We’ll guide you through a journey that demystifies Clean Architecture, MVVM, Dagger Hilt, and offline functionality using Android Compose.

Imagine your Android app as a Swiss Army knife, equipped with all the right tools, organised in a neat and logical manner. Clean Architecture is like the blueprint for this high-tech tool. MVVM, the Model-View-ViewModel pattern, is the engine that powers it. Dagger Hilt serves as your toolkit organiser, ensuring everything is in its place, while Room, a local database, secures your data even when you’re offline.

In this article, we’ll break down these concepts into simple, digestible pieces, so you can build your own powerful Android app. We won’t just show you how to make it work; we’ll explain why it works. No jargon, no confusion, just straightforward guidance to help you level up your Android development skills. Let’s get started!

Section 1: Setting Up the Project

In this section, we’ll dive into the essentials of setting up an Android project, focusing on the revolutionary Android Compose framework, and we’ll also take a look at the dependencies you’ve added to supercharge your app development.

  1. Introducing Android Compose and Its Benefits

Android Compose, also known as Jetpack Compose, is like a breath of fresh air in the world of Android development. It’s a modern UI toolkit that completely transforms how you create user interfaces. Here are some of its incredible benefits:

  • Declarative UI: Compose lets you describe your UI in a declarative manner. Instead of dealing with complex and often convoluted XML layout files, you can create your UI components using pure Kotlin code. This means you focus on what you want to display, and Compose takes care of the “how.”
  • Reactivity: With Compose, your UI is automatically updated when your data changes. No more tedious findViewById calls and manual view updates. Compose does the heavy lifting, ensuring that your UI always reflects the latest data.
  • Simplified UI Creation: Compose simplifies UI development. You can build custom UI components effortlessly. Its modular and reusable nature makes creating complex UIs a breeze.
  • Tooling Support: Android Studio provides fantastic support for Compose. You get live previews, intelligent code completion, and instant feedback while designing your UI. Debugging becomes more intuitive and efficient.

1.2 Your Dependencies for the Compose Adventure

Here are the dependencies you’ve wisely added to your Android project:

implementation("androidx.activity:activity-compose:1.8.0") // Activity library for Jetpack Compose.
implementation(platform("androidx.compose:compose-bom:2023.10.01")) // Dependency management for Jetpack Compose.
implementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui") // Jetpack Compose UI library.
implementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui-graphics") // Jetpack Compose UI Graphics library.
implementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview") // Jetpack Compose UI tooling preview library.
implementation("androidx.compose.material3:material3") // Jetpack Compose Material3 library.
implementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview") // Android Studio Preview support for Jetpack Compose.
debugImplementation("androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling") // Debugging tooling for Jetpack Compose.
implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:2.7.4") // Jetpack Navigation with Compose.
implementation("") // Animations for Compose Navigation.

These dependencies are your trusty companions on your Compose adventure:

  • androidx.activity:activity-compose: This library helps you blend traditional Android activities with Compose, allowing you to integrate Composables into your app’s existing structure seamlessly.
  • androidx.compose:compose-bom: The BOM (Bill of Materials) for Compose ensures that you have consistent versions for Compose-related libraries, making dependency management a piece of cake.
  • androidx.compose.ui:ui: The heart of Compose, this library is where you’ll find the fundamental UI components and functions.
  • androidx.compose.ui:ui-graphics: For all your graphical and shape-related needs, this library has got you covered.
  • androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview: A handy tool for previewing your Composables right in Android Studio, saving you precious development time.
  • androidx.compose.material3:material3: A crucial part of the Compose universe, it brings modern design principles to your app, ensuring a sleek and consistent look.
  • androidx.navigation:navigation-compose: The jetpack navigation with Compose allows you to navigate between different parts of your app effortlessly.
  • Adding this dependency will give your app that extra oomph with smooth, eye-catching animations when transitioning between screens.

Now that you’ve been introduced to Android Compose and your trusty dependencies, it’s time to put them to good use and start building an app that’s as cutting-edge as it is user-friendly. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve even deeper into the world of Android development, unlocking more powerful tools and concepts. Let’s keep the excitement going!

Section 2: Understanding Clean Architecture

In this section, we’ll delve into the world of Clean Architecture, a pivotal concept in Android app development. We’ll explore its importance and the three essential layers that form its core: Presentation, Domain, and Data.

2.1 What is Clean Architecture and Why Is It Crucial?

Clean Architecture, championed by software engineering guru Robert C. Martin, is a software design philosophy that emphasises a clear separation of concerns and a structured approach to building software. It’s crucial for several reasons:

  • Maintainability: Clean Architecture ensures that your codebase remains maintainable and adaptable. Changes in one part of the application do not ripple through the entire codebase.
  • Testability: The architecture makes it easier to write unit tests, allowing you to verify that each component of your app works as expected in isolation.
  • Independence: Clean Architecture promotes the independence of different parts of your application. This means you can change or replace a component without affecting the rest of the system.
  • Scalability: It’s easier to scale and extend your application when the code is organised into well-defined layers.

2.2 The Layers of Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture consists of three main layers, each with distinct roles and responsibilities:

  • Presentation Layer: This is the outermost layer of your application. It handles user interface, input, and presentation logic. Activities, Fragments, and UI components reside here.
  • Domain Layer: The domain layer contains the business logic of your application. It is independent of the user interface and data source. Entities, use cases, and business rules are defined in this layer.
  • Data Layer: The innermost layer deals with data storage and retrieval. It includes repositories, data sources, and database access. The Data layer is responsible for managing and persisting application data.

2.3 Responsibilities of Each Layer

Presentation Layer:

  • Handling user interaction and input.
  • Rendering the user interface.
  • Reacting to user actions and events.
  • Delegating business logic to the Domain layer.

Domain Layer:

  • Defining business entities and models.
  • Implementing use cases and business rules.
  • Managing application-specific logic and operations.
  • Decoupling the application’s core functionality from the user interface and data sources.

Data Layer:

  • Managing data sources, such as databases, network requests, and APIs.
  • Handling data retrieval and storage.
  • Implementing repositories that provide a clean API for accessing data.
  • Ensuring that the data is in a format suitable for the application’s use cases.

Clean Architecture enforces a strict separation of concerns, ensuring that each layer has well-defined responsibilities. This not only makes your codebase cleaner and more organised but also increases its flexibility, maintainability, and testability.

Section 3: Implementing the MVVM Pattern

In this section, we’ll introduce the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, which is a powerful design pattern for building Android applications. We’ll explain the roles of Model, View, and ViewModel and guide you in setting up a basic MVVM structure for your project.

3.1 Introducing the MVVM Architecture

MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, a design pattern that promotes the separation of concerns in your Android application. It has gained popularity due to its ability to create maintainable, testable, and highly responsive applications. Let’s explore its core components:

  • Model: The Model represents the data and business logic of your application. It’s responsible for managing data, defining entities, and implementing business rules. Models are the source of truth in your app.
  • View: The View is the user interface of your application. It’s the part that users interact with, including UI components like buttons, text fields, and screens. The View is responsible for displaying data and reacting to user input.
  • ViewModel: The ViewModel acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. It holds and manages the data that the View displays. ViewModel also contains logic for handling user interactions. It abstracts the UI-related logic from the View and allows it to remain lightweight.

3.2 Roles of Model, View, and ViewModel


  • Manages data and defines data structures (entities).
  • Implements business logic and rules.
  • Notifies the ViewModel about data changes.


  • Renders the user interface and displays data.
  • Listens to user input and forwards events to the ViewModel.
  • Remains passive, minimising logic and focusing on presentation.


  • Stores and manages data for the View.
  • Implements business logic for handling user interactions.
  • Acts as a bridge between the Model and the View, ensuring separation of concerns.
  • Provides data-binding to keep the View updated when data changes.

3.3 Setting Up a Basic MVVM Structure for Your Project

Here’s a simplified guide on how to set up a basic MVVM structure for your Android project:

  1. Create Model Classes: Define your data models (entities) that represent the core data of your application.
  2. Create a ViewModel: Implement a ViewModel class for each screen or functionality. It should hold the data to be displayed in the View and handle user interactions.
  3. Build the User Interface: Create the View using Composable functions in Android Compose. The View should display data from the ViewModel and react to user actions.

By implementing the MVVM pattern, you achieve a clean separation between the UI logic, business logic, and data, resulting in a more modular and maintainable app.

In the next sections, we’ll explore further aspects of Android development, including setting up Dagger Hilt for dependency injection and integrating Room for local data storage to enhance your app’s architecture and functionality. Stay tuned for more!

Section 4: Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection

In this section, we’ll explore the importance of dependency injection in Android development, introduce Dagger Hilt as a tool for managing dependencies, and provide a step-by-step guide to setting up Dagger Hilt in your project. We’ll also discuss the key annotations such as @HiltAndroidApp and @AndroidEntryPoint in the context of Dagger Hilt.

4.1 The Need for Dependency Injection in Android Development

In Android development, managing dependencies and ensuring that various components of your app work seamlessly together can be a challenging task. This is where dependency injection (DI) comes to the rescue. Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows you to inject dependencies into your classes rather than having the classes create their dependencies.

Why is DI crucial in Android development?

  • Testability: Dependency injection makes it easier to write unit tests for your app. By injecting mock or test-specific dependencies, you can isolate the component you’re testing.
  • Flexibility and Maintainability: It decouples components, making it easier to replace or modify dependencies without changing the core logic of your app.
  • Reusability: Components become more reusable when they’re not tightly coupled to specific implementations of their dependencies.
  • Cleaner and More Readable Code: DI promotes clean and modular code, improving code quality and maintainability.

4.2 Introducing Dagger Hilt as a Tool for Dependency Injection

Dagger Hilt is a powerful dependency injection library specifically designed for Android. It’s built on top of the Dagger 2 library, simplifying the setup and usage of DI in Android projects. Here’s how it helps:

  • Simplified Configuration: Dagger Hilt reduces the amount of boilerplate code required to set up dependency injection in your app.
  • Android Integration: It seamlessly integrates with Android components, such as activities and fragments, making it well-suited for Android development.
  • Type-Safe: Dagger Hilt is a type-safe DI framework, ensuring that dependencies are correctly resolved at compile time.
  • Scalability: You can easily scale your app as it grows, thanks to Dagger Hilt’s modular and extensible architecture.

4.3 Setting Up Dagger Hilt in the Project

Now, let’s walk through the steps to set up Dagger Hilt in your Android project using the provided dependencies and classes:

Step 1: Gradle Dependencies

In your project’s build.gradle file, make sure you've added the necessary Dagger Hilt dependencies:


Ensure that the versions of these dependencies match the version you intend to use.

Step 2: Application Class

In your Android application class (usually named App), add the @HiltAndroidApp annotation. This informs Dagger Hilt that this class is the entry point for dependency injection.

class App : Application() {
// Your application-specific configurations, if any.

Step 3: Create Modules

Dagger Hilt relies on modules to define how dependencies are provided. You’ve created modules for different aspects of your app, such as network, database, and repositories. Here’s an example:

class AppModule {
// Provides dependency instances here

Repeat this step for other modules like DatabaseModule, NetworkModule, and RepositoryModule.

Step 4: Using Dependency Injection

To use Dagger Hilt in your Android components, annotate them with @AndroidEntryPoint. For instance, in an Activity:

class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// Your activity-specific code

In your Activity, you can now inject dependencies by using the @Inject annotation:

class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var yourDependency: YourDependency

// ...

That’s it! Dagger Hilt will take care of providing instances of your dependencies where needed. The dependencies are automatically injected into your Android components.

By following these steps, you’ve set up Dagger Hilt for dependency injection in your Android project. Your project is now equipped with the power of clean and organised dependency management, improving testability, maintainability, and code quality. In the upcoming sections, we’ll continue enhancing your app by integrating Room for local data storage and diving deeper into other aspects of Android development. Stay tuned!

Section 5: Building the Data Layer with Room

In this section, we’ll explore the importance of having a local database for offline functionality, discuss the Room library for handling database operations, and guide you through the process of creating a Room database and Data Access Objects (DAOs).

5.1 Importance of a Local Database for Offline Functionality

Having a local database in your Android app is crucial for ensuring offline functionality and enhancing the user experience. Here’s why:

  • Offline Access: A local database allows your app to continue functioning even when there’s no internet connection. Users can access previously downloaded data, improving user satisfaction.
  • Reduced Data Usage: By storing data locally, your app reduces the need to repeatedly fetch data from remote servers. This not only saves bandwidth but also speeds up data retrieval.
  • Faster Performance: Local database access is significantly faster than network requests. This leads to snappier user interactions and a more responsive app.
  • Data Persistence: Local databases enable data persistence, ensuring that user data and preferences are retained even after the app is closed.

5.2 Explaining the Room Library for Database Operations

Room is an Android Jetpack library that simplifies database operations and provides an abstraction layer over SQLite. It offers the following advantages:

  • Type Safety: Room uses compile-time checks to ensure that your SQL queries are valid, reducing the risk of runtime errors.
  • Annotation-Based: Room leverages annotations to define the database schema, entities, and DAOs. This makes database setup and maintenance more manageable.
  • Kotlin Support: Room has excellent support for Kotlin, including Kotlin Coroutines for handling asynchronous database operations.
  • LiveData and Flow Integration: It seamlessly integrates with LiveData and Flow, making it easy to observe changes in your database.

5.3 Creating a Room Database and DAO

To set up a Room database and Data Access Objects (DAOs) in your Android project, follow these steps:

Step 1: Gradle Dependencies

Ensure you’ve added the necessary Room dependencies to your build.gradle file:

implementation("") // Android Jetpack's Room persistence library.
ksp("") // Annotation processor for Room.
implementation("") // Kotlin extensions for Room.

Step 2: Create a Room Database

Define your Room database by creating a class that extends RoomDatabase. Annotate it with the @Database annotation to specify the entities, version, and other database settings. Here's an example:


entities = [UserTable::class, SampleTable::class],
version = 1,
exportSchema = false
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun userDao(): UserDao
abstract fun sampleDao(): SampleDao

Step 3: Create Data Access Objects (DAOs)

Create DAO interfaces that define the database operations you want to perform. Annotate these interfaces with @Dao. Here's an example:

import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow

interface UserDao {
fun getAllUsers(): Flow<List<UserTable>>

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertAll(users: List<UserTable>)

These DAOs define methods for querying and updating the database. In this example, we have a getAllUsers method to retrieve user data and an insertAll method to insert user data into the database.

With Room set up, you can now perform database operations efficiently in your Android app. It’s a powerful tool for managing local data storage, enabling offline functionality and enhancing the overall user experience. In the following sections, we’ll continue to build and improve your Android app with more advanced features and architectural patterns. Stay tuned!

Section 6: Repository Pattern

In this section, we’ll delve into the Repository pattern and its significance in the context of Android development. We’ll also demonstrate how a Repository mediates between the ViewModel and the data source, specifically Room in this case.

6.1 Purpose of the Repository Pattern

The Repository pattern is an essential architectural component in Android development, serving the following key purposes:

  • Abstraction Layer: The Repository acts as an abstraction layer between the ViewModel and various data sources, shielding the ViewModel from the complexities of data retrieval and storage.
  • Mediation: It mediates between the ViewModel and data sources, ensuring that the ViewModel does not need to interact directly with multiple data providers, such as Room, APIs, or local storage.
  • Data Consistency: The Repository helps maintain data consistency, enforcing rules for data access and ensuring that data remains in a consistent state across the app.
  • Offline Functionality: It plays a crucial role in enabling offline functionality by providing access to locally stored data when network connectivity is unavailable.

6.2 Creating a Repository for Your App

In the provided code, we see the implementation of a repository named UsersRepository. This repository interacts with both a Room database and an API service. Here's a breakdown of the code:

class UsersRepository @Inject constructor(private val userDao: UserDao, val apiService: ApiService) : IUsersRepository {

override val allUsers: Flow<List<UserTable>> = userDao.getAllUsers()

override suspend fun refreshUsers() {
try {
val response = apiService.getAllUsers()
if (response.isSuccessful) {
if (response.code() == 200) {
val users = response.body()?.data?.map { user ->
id =!!,
email =!!,
firstName = user.firstName!!,
lastName = user.lastName!!,
avatar = user.avatar!!
if (users != null) {
} // Insert the mapped data into the database
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("USER_API", e.message.toString())
  • The UsersRepository class is annotated with @Inject, indicating that it can be injected using Dagger Hilt.
  • The repository provides a Flow of all users, allowing the ViewModel to observe user data changes.
  • The refreshUsers method is responsible for fetching data from the API and updating the local database. If the API call is successful, it maps the response to UserTable objects and inserts them into the Room database.

This repository serves as the central hub for managing user data in your Android app, ensuring that data flows seamlessly between the ViewModel and data sources.

Section 7: Combining All Components

In this section, we’ll demonstrate how to connect the ViewModel, Repository, and the UI using Android Compose. We’ll explore how data flows between these layers in a Clean Architecture setup, ensuring that your app remains well-structured and responsive.

7.1 Connecting ViewModel, Repository, and UI

Connecting these components is a crucial step in building an efficient Android app with Clean Architecture. Let’s see how these components are interconnected, based on the provided code.

ViewModel: HomeViewModel

The HomeViewModel class acts as the bridge between the UI layer and the data layer. It interacts with the UsersRepository to provide data to the UI.

class HomeViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val application: Application,
private val usersRepository: UsersRepository
) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
// ...

val allUsers = usersRepository.allUsers

fun onEvent(events: HomeEvent) {
when (events) {
is HomeEvent.GetAllUsers -> {
viewModelScope.launch {

private suspend fun getAllUsers() {
usersRepository.allUsers.collect {
// Update the UI with the collected data
  • The HomeViewModel is annotated with @HiltViewModel, making it injectable using Dagger Hilt.
  • It provides the allUsers property, which is a Flow representing a list of users from the repository. This allows the UI to observe changes in user data.
  • The onEvent function handles events triggered by the UI, such as requesting all users.

Repository: UsersRepository

The UsersRepository connects the ViewModel to data sources, including Room and an API service.

  • The UsersRepository provides access to user data through a Flow. It also includes a refreshUsers method to update data from the API and store it in the local database.

UI: HomeScreen

The UI layer is represented by the HomeScreen composable, which displays user data in the app's user interface.

fun HomeScreen(
homeViewModel: HomeViewModel = hiltViewModel(),
openDrawer: () -> Unit
) {
val homeState = homeViewModel.state.value

// ...

LaunchedEffect(Unit) {

// UI components to display user data
  • The HomeScreen composable retrieves data from the HomeViewModel and displays it in the user interface. It also triggers the GetAllUsers event when the screen is launched to fetch user data.

7.2 Data Flow in Clean Architecture

In this setup, data flows as follows:

  1. The UI layer (represented by the HomeScreen composable) requests data by triggering the HomeEvent.GetAllUsers event using the HomeViewModel.
  2. The HomeViewModel communicates with the UsersRepository to fetch user data.
  3. The UsersRepository retrieves user data from the local Room database (userDao.getAllUsers()) or, if necessary, from the API service (apiService.getAllUsers()).
  4. The UsersRepository returns the data as a Flow to the HomeViewModel.
  5. The HomeViewModel observes the data changes through the allUsers property, updating the UI in response.

This data flow ensures that your app follows the principles of Clean Architecture, maintaining a clear separation of concerns and making it easy to adapt to changes in data sources or UI requirements.

In the next sections, we will explore the Single Source of Truth strategy and how the app remains functional offline due to the local database. Stay tuned for a comprehensive understanding of these important aspects!

Section 8: Single Source of Truth Strategy

In this section, we’ll explore the Single Source of Truth (SSOT) strategy and shed light on its significance in the context of Android app development. SSOT is a foundational concept that focuses on maintaining data consistency within your application. It achieves this by designating one primary source for a particular set of data. This primary source is typically a local database, like Room, which serves as the go-to repository for data.

The importance of SSOT becomes evident when dealing with complex data sources and ensuring that your app displays the most up-to-date and accurate information. By centralising data management in a single source, you can:

  1. Ensure Data Consistency: When your app fetches data from different sources, such as a remote server and a local database, inconsistencies can arise. SSOT addresses this issue by making the local database the ultimate source of truth. Any data updates or modifications first occur in the local database, ensuring data consistency.
  2. Efficient Caching: By using a local database as the SSOT, your app can efficiently cache data. This means that even when there’s no internet connection, users can still access previously retrieved data from the local database, providing a seamless offline experience.
  3. Optimised Performance: Data retrieval from a local database is typically faster than fetching it from a remote server. SSOT optimizes data access and retrieval, enhancing your app’s performance and responsiveness.
  4. Reduced Network Requests: SSOT minimizes the need for frequent network requests. Since the local database contains the most recent data, your app can reduce the number of calls to the remote server, which not only saves bandwidth but also contributes to a smoother user experience.
  5. Enhanced Reliability: Having a central source of truth makes your app more reliable. It reduces the chances of data inconsistencies, sync conflicts, and errors in your application.

In our project, the repository enforces the SSOT strategy by ensuring that all data modifications and updates first occur in the local Room database. This means that before data is displayed in the user interface, it is stored, retrieved, and updated in the local database, maintaining data integrity and consistency.

Section 9: Offline Functionality

This section dives into one of the key advantages of SSOT and Clean Architecture: offline functionality. Offline functionality is crucial for user experience because it ensures that your app remains operational even when there’s no internet connection. We’ll demonstrate how the local database (Room) plays a pivotal role in enabling offline functionality.

Here’s how offline functionality is achieved:

  1. Data Caching: When the app is online, it fetches data from the remote server and stores it in the local Room database. This cached data serves as a backup that can be accessed even when the internet is unavailable.
  2. No Network Dependency: With the SSOT strategy in place, the app isn’t overly dependent on real-time network data. Instead, it relies on the local database, which contains the most recent data.
  3. Smooth User Experience: Users can interact with the app seamlessly, viewing and manipulating data stored in the local database, even without an internet connection. This ensures that critical features and content remain accessible, enhancing user satisfaction.
  4. Background Sync: To keep the local database up to date, the app can implement background synchronisation processes. These processes periodically check for updates from the remote server and update the local database, ensuring that the cached data is as current as possible.

By implementing offline functionality, you enhance the usability and reliability of your app. Users can continue to work with the app and access data, even in scenarios where network connectivity is intermittent or unavailable.

In our project, the Room database is the central component that empowers offline functionality. It stores data locally, allowing the app to function seamlessly in offline mode. The UI is designed to pull data from the local database, providing a consistent user experience whether the device is connected to the internet or not.

These two sections, SSOT and offline functionality, are integral to creating robust, user-friendly Android apps that excel in performance and reliability. They showcase the power of architectural patterns like Clean Architecture and the advantages of using libraries like Room to facilitate these critical functionalities.

Section 10: Conclusion

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered essential concepts and techniques for building robust Android apps using Clean Architecture, MVVM, Dagger Hilt, and Room. Let’s summarise the key takeaways:

  • Clean Architecture: We explored the importance of Clean Architecture in building maintainable and scalable Android applications. This architectural pattern separates your app into distinct layers (Presentation, Domain, Data) with well-defined responsibilities, promoting modularity and testability.
  • MVVM Pattern: The MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture was introduced to establish a clear separation between the UI (View), application logic (ViewModel), and data (Model). This pattern enhances code maintainability, testability, and reusability.
  • Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt: We discussed the significance of dependency injection in Android development and introduced Dagger Hilt as a powerful tool for managing dependencies. With clear code examples, we demonstrated how to set up Dagger Hilt in your project.
  • Building the Data Layer with Room: We explored the importance of a local database for enabling offline functionality. We introduced the Room library for database operations and provided code examples to create a Room database and DAO.
  • Repository Pattern: We explained the role of the Repository pattern in mediating between the ViewModel and data sources, ensuring a single source of truth for data management. Detailed code examples were provided to create a repository for your app.
  • Combining All Components: We guided readers on how to connect the ViewModel, Repository, and the UI using Android Compose. We demonstrated how data flows between layers in a Clean Architecture setup.
  • Single Source of Truth Strategy: We explored the Single Source of Truth (SSOT) strategy, emphasising its importance in maintaining data consistency and reducing network dependencies. We showed how the repository enforces SSOT in our project.
  • Offline Functionality: We delved into the concept of offline functionality and how the local database enables apps to remain functional without an internet connection. Our project demonstrated how to display data from Room in the UI, even in offline scenarios.

Encourage readers: We encourage readers to apply these concepts in their own Android projects. Clean Architecture, MVVM, Dagger Hilt, and Room can significantly enhance the quality and maintainability of your apps. By following these architectural patterns and incorporating dependency injection and local databases, you can build Android applications that are more robust and reliable.

Section 11: Additional Resources

For readers who want to explore these concepts in more detail, here are some additional resources:

Explore the Source Code!

  • GitHub Repository — Access the full source code for this guide on GitHub. See how these architectural patterns and technologies come together to build a robust Android app.

We hope this guide has been valuable in your Android development journey. By implementing these architectural patterns and technologies, you’re on your way to building high-quality Android apps that users will love. Don’t hesitate to explore the additional resources and dive deeper into these concepts.

We value your feedback! If you found this guide helpful or have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to share your thoughts. Your input is essential in helping us improve and provide you with even more valuable content. Happy coding!

