Fixing stuff around yourself

laiba shakeel
4 min readAug 10, 2021


Not everyone wants to fix or amend things around themselves. Some people like fixing things around themselves because they don’t want to mess with their surroundings. We generally use a term “Our life is a mess” and that happens when we don’t put an effort to fix something. Some do it because they were asked to do so or some don’t bother. Letting you know about myself that I am not a very organized person nor a disorganized person. I fix thing when needed and I don’t like mess in my life although sometimes it happens but that’s normal.

So, I was sitting in my bedroom while reading the instructions about how we were suppose to write this and it was not organized at all because my sister got discharged from hospital few days back after appendix operate and she is on bedrest and can’t walk because of the stitches and we live in same room. Let me show you how our room was looking.

I don’t like unorganized beds and unwanted things around me so I decided to organize my bed and remove unwanted things because my sister will feel comfortable in that environment and cleaning had to be done.

Really need to clean my bed and dressing table

Then I decided to clean my bed and dressing table first when my sister left my room for almost 10 minutes. The reason I needed to fix that was that pillows were not present where they were suppose to be. Blankets were not folded, bedsheets were not in a proper way and there were masks present on the dressing table and some unwanted stuff. It needs to be fixed and I was thinking about fixing this from yesterday but couldn’t do so for some reasons and finally I did that.

I started from first disorganizing it more in order to organize that in a proper way. Then I covered my bed with a bed cover first. Folded those quilts and then placed the pillows on bed and quilt as well. Moved towards dressing table removed all the unwanted things and cleaned it. Then at last as an additional thing I cleaned another table as well because that was the only thing left unorganized in my room and yes that’s how I did that. Let me show you how it turned out.

After organizing, isn’t it looking peaceful

After completing this task I feel happy and accomplished and a sigh of relief as well that now it’s looking presentable and the way I wanted. I also feel satisfied.

Yes, as I mentioned about my sister condition so I voluntarily took that responsibility of cleaning the room and all mess created around. One thing which was there in my mind was that my sister needs a clean environment and she will feel a bit better also I had that fear that she may got infected by something and after doing it I was feeling better and she felt good when she came back in the room and that relief on my mother’s face that I did cleaned it in 10 minutes was something else. Also she was happy to saw my concern.

Now talking overall about this I can relate to the topic

“Leadership without authority”

Because I took that responsibility voluntarily, no one asked me to do so so we can lead in any situation. You just need to volunteer yourself for that and you will be amazed by the results. When you took that responsibility on your own you felt that accomplishment and a relief that you did something better. You don’t need any authority because we did a lot things in daily life that defines us as a leader and fits us into the new definition of leadership and I can relate because even though I had that authority of not doing the house chores I still choose to do.

We all can lead, We just need to identify it.

“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example — John Wooden”

