Pai-International Clone

Shakti Dev
3 min readFeb 27, 2022


I am writing this blog after making a clone of an E-commerce site Masai assigned us a Group, Our Group consist of 6 members and group name is Logical Charmers. We have used html, css ,and java-script and for backend we use mongo-db, ejs, express, nodemon, and mongoose. We have used authentication and authorization for login and register and for product page we have build our own api by creating schema for product So here is all the detail you can go through our website which link you can find below ….

You can check our git-hub repo also….here

Our group members names are :

  1. Ashish Sharma
  2. Shakti Dev Sah
  3. Pavan Kallem
  4. Priyanka Dubey
  5. Pidugu Divya
  6. Shubham Borade

First of all, when we come to know about our project of a website called We are very excited to build this project as a team. Because this time we have to clone the same website using backend and convert every html to ejs so that we can connect the everything.


We gathered around by creating a group. Then we communicated by using Zoom and Slack as a team to discuss about cloning the website.

We already have created a Repository on named pai-international clone. after that we start working on conversion of code from html to ejs.

We divided our work accordingly and started working as a team.

login page

Our page is fully responsive. For this we added media-qurey for every page containing data.

we have done login and register part using authentication and authorization using mongo db and express validator

On Scrolling it is looking exactly like the Original website and we divided internal parts of the pages for each team members.

product page
product description page and adding to cart

So for the product page we have written our own api using mongoose and express and created schema for everything that is needed like product title, product image, product description, price etc whatever is needed we have given into schema and then using post method we post all the require data to server and then we fetched that link and using fetch method we appended all the product data. and same for the product description page also.

cart page and payment
final payment

#Challenges we faced During Construct week

  1. For deploying the project we use hero-ku but so many difficulties in deploying but finally at last able to do this.
  2. Creating and converting everything to ejs.
  3. Face difficulties to make few page responsive.
  4. writing route for every page.


While Designing the pai international website clone we faced many difficulties but We successfully overcome all the difficulty with our team effort and spirit.

This Construct week teaches us how to work as team and how to collaborate with team, also how to handle working challenges.

But in the End with our strong team effort we achieved our goal successfully.

