Valley Salt Cave in Woodland Hills, California

Shalimar Cuisine of India
3 min readJan 18, 2023


If you’ve had no experience with Dry Salt Therapy before, it’s a therapy founded on the holistic notion that uses dry air to cleanse your body and improve overall health. It can also provide relief from respiratory ailments like eczema, emphysema, or in addition to other ailments. It is also believed to reduce mental fatigue and improve immunity. Given that holistic treatments are growing in popularity across the United States, you’re sure to see of these therapies arriving at any health club in your area.

Dry air from salt crystals is utilized to treat eczema, emphysema and psoriasis among other ailments. The procedure involves sitting on an anti-gravity chair and being submerged in a salt room that is filled with dry salt crystals. Once the dry salt air reaches your nose it begins to dry out bacteria, which could help alleviate symptoms. But, you’ll have to wear booties made of paper to shield your skin from salty particles. When you’re in a session you’ll be spending between 25 and 45 minutes inside Salt Room. Salt Room.

Valley Salt Cave in Woodland Hills is an ionized microclimate, which is modeled after the natural environment of the salt cave. The guests can sit in the zero-gravity chair, and then relax in the pure salt air, which is made up of the equivalent of six tonnes of pink Himalayan salt. This private area is the perfect spot to refresh.

The Valley Salt Cave is located in Woodland Hills, about a mile to the north of Simi Valley in California. It’s a gorgeous spot to spend a day however it’s not just for those who like to walk. Many routes are accessible to walk, run and biking. For those who are experienced hikers There are more difficult trails with stunning panoramas of mountains as well as different rock forms. There’s an additional hiking trail that will lead to a swing in the cave.

A visit to a salt cave could be an excellent option to get a more holistic wellness practice which has been in use for hundreds of years. Although it’s not an established treatment across the United States, it has been gaining popularity internationally. Patients who’ve tried it claim it’s an enjoyable experience. It’s also able to offer relief from a wide range of illnesses, including asthma, eczema and sinusitis.

In addition to Dry Salt Therapy, there are many other holistic treatments that are available within the Holistic Health and Wellness Center. This includes music therapy, Reiki, and mind-body meditation. You can also buy salt products as well as other products related to them in the center’s shop.

Valley Salt Cave is open all week long, between Monday and Saturday. Visitors are advised to bring an hazmat suit in case they’re concerned about exposure to radiation. The temperature outside the cave may be cold during winter, which is why it’s essential to wear a warm coat. Keep in mind you should get there early so that you can be seated in a comfortable spot to sit in the meditation.

Two treatment rooms are available in the center. They are available for booking sessions. The clients are seated in a chair that is anti-gravity for about 30 minutes. In the end, they’ll probably feel restful and relaxed after the session.



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