Live Free or Die?

Thirteen Unpopular Truths Regarding our Current Mess that Will Make All the Various COVID Camps Angry at Me.

Shalina Nicohl
5 min readSep 15, 2021
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1. Screaming and shouting about mask mandates is a very, very, small, stupid hill to die on.

Quit being obnoxious. If a place of business has a mask rule, follow it. Don’t harass others and call them sheeple for wearing a mask. Respect the way other people manage their health just like you want people to respect the way you manage yours. Angry that your kids have to wear a mask all day in school? Welp sorry you are correct it’s not ideal. Better get to looking into homeschooling or unschooling, because this is just the beginning, see unpopular truth #13.

2. The anti-maskers are right the masks don’t work.

Has anyone noticed the gear that people working with COVID patients wear? They certainly aren’t wearing blue surgical masks or pretty fabric ones. The virus is certainly small enough to bore through the masks that most of us use. So yes, anti-mask shriekers are right, ‘the masks don’t work’. So you certainly aren’t going to like my unpopular truth #3.

3. Of course, masks work you ninny. Wearing a mask is a visual reminder that we are in a pandemic (except technically the pandemic is over, different writing for a different day). That you should be vigilant, social distance with strangers, wash your hands, take good care of your health, shore up your energetic biofield, avoid rude and unsanitary behavior that you shouldn’t be doing anyway like coughing without covering your mouth, close talking, picking your nose, not washing your hands when you go to the bathroom (GROSS!! Looking at you men as you are the main transgressors here), touching public doorknobs and handles, etc. Masks are a handy tool to stop to all that. And that is why they work. It forces us to be more hygienic and conscious.

4. The germ theory of medicine is so outdated as to be practically medieval.

And in short order will collapse upon itself. In due time history will vindicate those who have stood up against it. Just like poor Galileo who dared to go against the prevailing “science”. Which means:

5. The virus is not the problem. In natural health parlance ‘it’s the terrain’. But…

6. Just because the germ theory is wrong it doesn’t mean that germs aren’t a factor in disease and pandemics. Furthermore…

7. Not realizing the privilege of the ‘it’s the terrain’ stance is woefully myopic. Have you looked at the “terrain” lately?! We are a country full of people with chronic and acute mental, physical, and emotional conditions. More people can’t than can, afford the time, money, and energy it takes to utilize expensive supplements, alternative treatments, exercise, and selfcare regimens. Let’s examine food and nutrition just one of the foundational elements of health. Do you know how many people eat fast food and junk food, not as occasional treats but as their main diet? Do you know how condescending it is to just tell them not to? Fast food is cheap, (ridiculously subsidized by our tax dollars different writing for a different day), easy, and readily accessible. Whereas wholesome, nutritious, organic, non gmo food is not. PLUS, you have to cook or assemble it for each and every meal. It never arrives meal ready for you. It’s exhausting! Just admit it, it’s exhausting for you too. Which leads to the next truth:

8. Putting your health in order in a world that is constantly trying to destroy it, is almost a full-time job. And you want to tell people it is their terrain? Not fair and not entirely helpful.

9. Both the literal and figurative ‘terrain’ in this country is very damaged. The air, water and soil are polluted. ‘The terrain’ dictates that some people are going to need to use mainstream medical interventions. And that is okay.

10. The ‘Live Free or Die’ ethos has to be one of the most, bad ass admirable ethos there is…but remember you could die.

We’re in #latestagecaptilisim living on a #prisonplanet. This is only the first of the worldwide plagues. This is only their first real attempt to strip you permanently of your bodily sovereignty. The pressures to do what they decree when they decree it without any questions or pushback,

will only get more intense in the coming decades.

COVID has been designed to infect everyone on the planet and exploit whatever is weakest in your body. It is likely you are going to get it at some point. If this is your ethos you may unfortunately get to experience the full expression of that ethos. In short, you could die. And if you do and your stance was public, they will mock you, scorn you, and utilize you in their propaganda, paint you as a poor misinformed person dying for no reason. They will not understand. (SDUL)

11. You cannot vaccinate the flu away. It is impossible.

11b. The vaccinated are spreading the ‘rona more than the unvaccinated.

12. They are lying about the vaccine numbers. Therefore, there have been a flurry of mandates. And constant unending propaganda. Most who are unvaccinated are quiet about it they aren’t arguing with people online, voicing their opinions, and why is that? Because we have created an atmosphere where discourse around this topic is not tolerated. It has been replaced with mocking, scorn, and memes.

13. You are not free and you are not brave.

Any erosion of #bodysovereignty is a direct affront to the root of all freedom.

Shouting about being the home of the free and brave does not make it so. You are weak and dependent. Weak as in liable to break or give way under pressure. This is not an indictment on your character, the weakness is only because of your dependence. Increasingly this will not be an abstract concept. It will be viscerally felt as whatever source of your dependency will be exploited to demand compliance. Need the grocery store? Entertainment? An education for yourself or your children? Employment?

If you are dependent on anyone or any institution outside of your immediate friends/family or community for anything that is instrumental to life, you are in a very precarious situation. If you cannot procure your food, education, livelihood, and energy needs from your own reserves, then it is only a matter of time before they find the right sting to pull to make you jump. And who of us can claim such? Only the very, very few.

Today its vaccine mandates, and maybe you are fine with them. But at some point, it will be something you aren’t fine with…and whatever dependency you have on this system will become your Achilles heel.

We are not free. It is a delusion. Just admit it.



Shalina Nicohl

Idealist, Media Junkie, Herbalist, and Founder of Fiery Maple Wholistic Healing.