Watch Out World, I’m Grown Now.

Shalom Tewobola
4 min readNov 19, 2023


5 weeks ago, I clocked 18.

Damn, that’s incorrect.

The great timekeepers say it has been 5 years ago. But why do we listen to them? What if they lost track of time along the way, huh?

5 years ago, I posted pictures on Instagram with the popular Grownish catchphrase as my caption,

“Watch out world, I’m grown now.”

I got out of bed that day feeling exhilarated; it was time I got the baton passed to me. I was thrilled.

Finally, I could date whoever I wanted.


I could now stay outside till 2 am.

with Nigeria’s insecurity?

It was time to travel wherever I wanted.

cries in broke!

Fast forward to a year after, responsibilities stared at me, and I stared back. I mean, I was still happy but… not so much.

Everything I expected to come with being an adult — didn’t.

What do you mean we’re outside till 2 am? I prefer to sleep, even if I have “going-out cash.” Hanging out with my friends is undoubtedly cool, but can we get home before 9 pm? I’m watching my stress levels.

Also, we have to attend parties and events — networking. Layi calls it info l’eyan fin fo, and I call it professional famzing. I’m currently terrible at networking, but I will strive to get better next year.

At grown people parties, there’s wine, champagne, beer, and others.

Bartender, I’ll take Capri-Sun. It’s not available, as how?

When I’m hungover at home who’s gonna take care of me?

Plus, some parties are so noisy. I can’t believe I wanted to run away from home for those things, the ROI is nonexistent.

Temi Otedola has been posting a-day-in-her-life videos for a while now.

What if I recorded every day foreverrrrrrrrr *insert rich people drawl

Me to Angel Gabriel: Sir, you should have sent me to be a trust fund baby, too. Don’t I deserve it? Sir please, have mercy.

He aired me sha.

“Wow I’m a big girl, look at me paying bills,” then I proceed to cry. I want to change my phone and my wardrobe, but something is clearly chasing the cost of living.

Last Friday was one of the most stressful days of my life.

My mom made white rice and stew, which was the highlight of my day.

The plan was to go to my friend’s place, get ready for my convocation shoot, and then we both head out to the venue. But I had an article to complete, and by the time I was ready, it was almost 2 pm.

I thought about dressing up from home, but I was sure of forgetting some stuff — I still did. So I stuck to the plan.

It took me about 10 minutes to figure out if I wanted to draw my brows or not. The icing on the cake is I forgot my edge control, and my hair desperately needed the gel, so I had to go blocks away to borrow a friend’s container. I was exhausted.

The Universe wasn’t done with me because the power went out. Oops.

When I got to the venue, everyone on set told me I looked gorgeous and marveled at the makeup that almost took my life. I just wanted to remove my clothes and scream.

I was getting ready for my closeup when a lady armed with her boyfriend waltzed in. The cuteness almost caused me to faint.


I took a WikiHow quiz, and when they asked, “What is love to you?”

I answered, “Grand, like a fairytale, all-consuming and earth-shattering.”

I truly hope I find someone who feels the same. Someone whose soul fits precisely with mine, like that of a puzzle piece. A perfect match.

The good news is the photo shoot pictures came out lovely.

Happy Convocation to me 🥂

I’ve been adulting for a few years now.

Yes, there are downsides to the journey, but adulthood isn’t all bad. I could finish a pack of hollandia today and nobody will beat me. I could spend a full day outside if I wanted to or binge watch Stranger Things all night.

What else?

Just like everything in life, there’s the good and bad, yin and yang. It’s almost poetic that life rolls that way.

Our 20s are for growth, learning, change, and new beginnings. They're for food, sleep, adventures, and organized fun.

We’ll get there. We sef, go blow, just look at Buju Benson.

There will always be obstacles along the way, but like fufu, we’ll rise. Or is it eba? I’m not sure, I don’t cook swallow foods.

Who will marry me like this?

Side Notes

Hi kids! It’s been months :) I hope everybody is doing great. Adulthood has been kicking my ass, but I have to keep going. Thankfully, God’s got me. ❤️

👏🏼 Fact: Did you know that if you clap for my story 50 times, you’ll have successfully clapped 50 times? Now you know, try it :)



Shalom Tewobola

A writer who’s trying not to suck at life. I plan to have a dog called Sprite. Contact me: