Review Top 5 Odzun Food and Drink Recommended

4 min readJun 1, 2024


Top 5 Odzun Food and Drink Experiences

Odzun, a charming village nestled in the Lori Province of Armenia, is not only renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich history but also for its delectable cuisine and unique beverages. This article delves into the top 5 food and drink experiences in Odzun, offering a delightful journey for your taste buds. Whether you’re a food enthusiast or simply love to explore new culinary delights, Odzun has something special for you.

1. Traditional Armenian Lavash

Lavash, a soft, thin flatbread, is a staple in Armenian cuisine and a must-try when visiting Odzun. This bread is traditionally baked in a tonir, an underground clay oven, giving it a unique flavor and texture. It’s often served with fresh herbs, cheese, and vegetables, making it a perfect accompaniment to any meal.

Experience the art of making Lavash by participating in a local bread-making workshop. Book your Lavash workshop here for an unforgettable culinary experience.

2. Khorovats — Armenian Barbecue

Khorovats, or Armenian barbecue, is another highlight of Odzun’s culinary scene. This dish typically features marinated meat, often pork, lamb, or chicken, grilled to perfection over an open flame. The meat is juicy, flavorful, and often served with grilled vegetables and lavash.

For an authentic Khorovats experience, visit one of Odzun’s local restaurants or join a barbecue feast organized by local families. Reserve your spot for a traditional Khorovats meal and enjoy the true taste of Armenian hospitality.

3. Tolma — Stuffed Grape Leaves

Tolma is a beloved Armenian dish consisting of grape leaves stuffed with a mixture of minced meat, rice, and spices. This savory delight is often accompanied by a tangy yogurt sauce that perfectly complements its rich flavors. Tolma is not only a culinary delight but also a significant part of Armenian cultural heritage.

Many local restaurants in Odzun offer Tolma, but for a more immersive experience, consider joining a cooking class to learn how to prepare this traditional dish yourself.

4. Gata — Armenian Sweet Bread

Gata is a popular Armenian pastry that comes in various shapes and sizes. It’s a sweet bread filled with a mixture of flour, butter, and sugar, often flavored with vanilla or cinnamon. Gata is typically enjoyed with tea or coffee and is a perfect treat for those with a sweet tooth.

Try Gata at local bakeries in Odzun or take part in a baking class to learn the secrets behind this delicious dessert.

5. Armenian Brandy and Wine

No culinary journey in Odzun would be complete without tasting Armenian brandy and wine. Armenia is one of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world, and its brandy, particularly Ararat brandy, is globally renowned for its quality and distinctive taste.

Visit local wineries and distilleries to sample a variety of wines and brandies. Many tours offer guided tastings and insights into the traditional methods of production. Book a wine and brandy tour here to indulge in these exquisite beverages.


Odzun’s culinary scene is a vibrant blend of tradition, flavor, and hospitality. From the savory delights of Khorovats and Tolma to the sweet indulgence of Gata, and the rich taste of Armenian brandy and wine, there is something for every palate. Embark on a gastronomic adventure in this picturesque village and savor the best of Armenian cuisine.


  1. What is the best time to visit Odzun for a culinary tour? The best time to visit Odzun for a culinary tour is during the spring and fall when the weather is pleasant, and local produce is in abundance.
  2. Are there vegetarian options available in Odzun’s cuisine? Yes, many traditional Armenian dishes, such as Tolma and Lavash with herbs and cheese, can be made vegetarian.
  3. Can I participate in food and drink workshops in Odzun? Absolutely! Many local establishments offer workshops and classes where you can learn to make traditional Armenian dishes and beverages.
  4. What makes Armenian brandy unique? Armenian brandy, especially Ararat brandy, is known for its high quality and unique production process, which includes using local grape varieties and aging in oak barrels.
  5. Is it easy to find traditional Armenian food in Odzun? Yes, Odzun has several local restaurants and eateries that serve traditional Armenian cuisine, ensuring visitors can enjoy authentic flavors.

