Ceremony to Awaken the Warrior Within

Shaman’s Way
6 min readJun 4, 2017



As a people we have been inspired, terrified and comforted by the Warrior. Our culture, our stories, our traditions, our tribes all have Warriors. We cannot escape the legacy of the Warrior, in all of its extremes from Roque Warrior to Hero Warrior to Warriors for any given cause.

Each of us can associate, in some form or other, to the very word, Warrior. The Shamanic Journey to the Warrior is one filled with, alert awareness keen observation, battle (internal and external), weapons, insight, compassion, ruthlessness, gain se nei (never say die). Spiritual warfare is linked in our mythology in stories, such of those of the Hero. Peace and War, Creation and destruction, have danced with us, for as long as humans have existed.

Perspective on Warrior is challenging, because we see only through the eyes which were gifted to us. It has been my personal experience, during my journeys, to encounter spiritual remnants, alive and dormant, of curses, blights, physical injuries and this practice is the best teacher. Each of us will have our own tools, helpers, teachers, if it is indeed your journey to awaken the Warrior.

To awaken the Warrior is a Ceremony. It is a Ceremony because the Warrior is Sacred. No tribe, community, spiritual world, could survive without their protectors. Your Warrior may be yelling in the streets for clean air or it may be doing the daily tasks that benefit your family.

To Awaken the Warrior Within

  • Where in your body do your feel the word Warrior?
  • Breathe into it.
  • What emotion is associated with your breath?
  • Breath into it.
  • Don’t do anything else about it. just breathe. Close your eyes and focus.
  • Take a deep long breath.
  • Where is the Warrior?
  • What color is your warrior?
  • What word comes to mind?
  • Are you friends with the word?
  • Are you making friends with the energy?
  • Take a breath in.
  • Stay quiet for one minute.

In this lifetime, I was born into a life of abandonment and loss. I realized very early on I had to choose my battles, what was worth fighting for. I was diligent in my shamanic journeys and in learning to cut away old wounds. Over time, learning much about compassion for self and honoring myself. These became a part of my new identity.

As I grew as a Human Being, in the Life I was living, the Warrior chose me, I did not actively seek to be a Warrior.

Through my training by the Spirits, my own losses, and failures, I nurtured a relationship with Power, coupled with an understanding of the weight of power. And what was power? And how can one be power filled while standing in Compassion and Action?

  • Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in.
  • Feel the word Power in your body.
  • Where is the word?
  • Breathe into it.
  • What emotion is associated with your breathing?
  • Breath into it.
  • Don’t do anything else about it. Just breathe. Close your eyes and focus.
  • Take a deep long breath. Where is Power?
  • What color is Power?
  • Are you friends with the word?
  • Are you making friends with the energy?
  • Take a breath in.
  • Stay quiet for one minute.

To first encounter the Warrior I encourage you to seek an ancestral pattern. One of mine was abandonment. Seek an aspect of you, who voices self doubt, fear, or even wishes sabotage upon us.

I use the Medicine Wheel as my teacher, and Warrior is in the south. However, do not be fooled, entering into south to meet or reintroduce, yourself to Warrior does not guarantee an instant fix. Rather, as the wheel constantly turns we are reminded, it is but one rotation after another.

We perpetually spiral deeper into ourselves, to develop tools effective for ridding yourself of ancestral patterns, self-doubt & sabotage. The Medicine Wheel is a spiral, constantly moving in towards centre, and out again. Through my life I have intentionally, and with ceremony, moved around the wheel. From the death of old patterns in the West, to the place of battles in the South, East to light a candle of illumination, and to the insight of the North, to seek wisdom from the Ancestors.

I have crossed through the centre of the Wheel, reminding myself to step into the mystery, the spot between the Blue Road and the Black Road, the road of the human experience, and the road of the spiritual experience.

Warrior Woman
Warrior Woman

My Warrior training took place as I worked on the South of the wheel. South holds some aspects of Ego. Ego can be a trigger for ancestral patterns, self-doubt, fear & the Saboteur. Bad energy begets bad energy. If you nurture the negative energy, you will soon find yourself moving to the South again, the place of Battle.

With the Warrior’s eye we begin to see “true darkness”, however you may define that for yourself. I have found varying shades of darkness. I have found the distinguishing aspect of moral, immoral and amoral. We find answers to the question “What am I going to fight for?”

We have to also ask ourselves how we distinguish between “good” and “evil”? What words would you use? We evolve and attempt to enhance our sense of judgment; or rather our ability to see. Perception. Are we standing in the place of judgment, or are we standing in discernment? When we are in our skin as healer, shaman, witch, or whichever path you follow, we listen to the call from Source to judge those we are fighting, or fighting for.

My Warrior eyes attempt to discern the “bad guys”, those who exploit others for their own gain. Be it in the mundane world or the sacred; those who cause harm, either physical or spiritual, for pleasure or personal gain; those people, entities, spirits, “demons” and other beings who attack, harass, harm or threaten people, or other beings.

In retrospect; the deeper my relationship with Warrior became, the more I recognized a transition between living in chaos and distortion, to living more in harmony. With each Spiral inward to resolution, and out into chaos (or you may see it another way) Warrior has taught me patience, and the value of observation.

Standing in the place of ego, and fighting a battle, can be much easier, than standing in the place of compassion, and perceiving your surroundings. Awakening the Warrior within is watching your enemy and deciding on a resolution, as opposed to a reaction. It’s not an easy task, for sure, nor quickly accomplished. Sometimes, it is not even obvious that you are in a battle! Rather, you merely sense that something is amiss. Perhaps you don’t feel centered, or perhaps you sense bad energies.

For now, be content with beginning in the South and simply acknowledging that you may have to return here often to face the battle with our own ego, prejudices, angers and other emotions which require attention. You will automatically find yourself here when you perceive yourself surrounded by negative energy. It is in the south that we awaken the Warrior.

Looking for more, to help awaken the Warrior?

Podcast Episodes (click on thumbnails):

Awaken the Warrior Within
Spiritual Warrior
Medicine Wheel
More on the Medicine Wheel

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Originally published at Shamans Way.



Shaman’s Way

In learning to see the world as shamans, we reconnect with ourselves, and can adapt much easier to the world around us.