CS373 Fall 2021: Shamira Kabir

Shamira Kabir
3 min readAug 29, 2021


Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a suburb of Dallas, Texas called Garland.

What high school did you attend?

I attended Garland High School.

What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?

My favorite extracurricular activity in high school was tennis because it was such a huge stress reliever from school. However, I injured myself while playing, so I only played for two years in high school. I would definitely love to pick it up again.

Why did you come to UT?

I initially came to UT because my parents wanted me to and my sister also did her undergraduate here. However, I have really come to love the campus and the people here, so I have no regrets about going to UT!

Why are you majoring in CS?

For someone who did not know what they wanted to do, CS was a good option because you really can do a lot with it.

Why are you in this class?

I want to go into the industry after graduating, so gaining software engineering skill sets would be useful in the future.

What are your expectations of this class?

My expectations for this class are to create a full-stack project and learn more about creating and integrating front-end and back-end.

How much Javascript/Python/SQL/Web programming do you already know?

I have worked with Javascript when I created websites using ReactJS, so I would say I know the basics of Javascript.

I have only ever used Python outside of my classes, so I know the basics of Python and I have used a few modules.

I have never used SQL.

For web programming, I have created a few websites using ReactJS and I was able to learn HTML/CSS and Javascript through them.

How did you like the first lectures?

I enjoyed the first lecture; I feel like everything was explained in a way where it was easy to understand.

How did you feel about the cold calling?

I am a little scared about the cold calling, but after seeing how it went on the second day of class, I am a little less scared about it.

What made you happy this week?

I was visiting my sister since last week and I stayed until the beginning of this week. There was a huge storm/hurricane happening on the east coast, so we had to stay inside for most of Monday. We decided to watch White Lotus and order some bagels, and then we walked to a nearby ramen shop. I think just getting to spend a lot of time with her and relaxing made me happy this week because we don’t get to see each other that often.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip-of-the-week is to download the game Brawlstars on your phone. It is a really fun game to play when you are bored and you can even play with your friends!

