A.I. Articles of the Week, Jan. 2018 #3

Shan Tang
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2018

What an AI ethics expert thinks of ‘Black Mirror’ Season 4

The best Black Mirror episodes don’t just leave you wondering whether these futures could happen. They force you to consider what it would mean if they did.

People Don’t Trust AI — Here’s How We Can Change That

Start by understanding why people are so reluctant to trust AI in the first place

Irrational AI-nxiety

Very smart people tell us to be very worried about AI. But very smart people can also be very wrong and their paranoia is a form of cognitive bias owed to our evolved psychology. Concerns over the potential harm of new technologies are often sensible, but they should be grounded in fact, not flights of fearful fancy. Fortunately, at the moment, there is little cause for alarm.

30 Amazing Machine Learning Projects for the Past Year (v.2018)

For the past year, we’ve compared nearly 8,800 open source Machine Learning projects to pick Top 30 (0.3% chance).

FDA Approves Crisis-Predicting Algorithm to Save Hospital Patients From Early Death

The FDA has approved a new clinical platform for hospital staff that uses an algorithm to predict and prevent sudden patient death, makers Excel Medical announced Monday. Called the WAVE Clinical Platform, the system monitors patient vitals and sends alerts to connected smart devices up to six hours before patient suffers a potentially fatal heart attack or respiratory failure. This is the first such algorithm to receive FDA approval.

Machine Learning’s Growing Divide

Is the industry heading toward another hardware/software divide in machine learning? Both sides have different objectives.

High Bandwidth Memory: The Great Awakening of AI

We’re entering a historic new era in artificial intelligence, driven by advances in deep learning, and HBM is critical to making it all happen.

Intel Unveils Prototype Neuromorphic Chip for AI on the Edge

At CES 2018 Intel unveiled a prototype chip, Loihi, that mimics the architecture of the human brain for adaptable AI processing on the edge.

Japanese scientists just used AI to read minds and it’s amazing

Imagine a reality where computers can visualize what you are thinking. Sound far out? It’s now closer to becoming a reality thanks to four scientists at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan. In late December, Guohua Shen, Tomoyasu Horikawa, Kei Majima and Yukiyasu Kamitani released the results of their recent research on using artificial intelligence to decode thoughts on the scientific platform, BioRxiv.

This Army of AI Robots Will Feed the World

And it could do it while eliminating herbicides, replenishing topsoil, and reducing carbon consumption. If all goes to plan.

Big Data Works Only for Those Who Hype It

The EU’s antitrust watchdog is launching a new crusade. It’s a bit premature.

What We Learned Driving an Autonomous Vehicle for 24 Hours Straight

Last month, we ran a 24-hour endurance event with the goal to see what it takes to achieve maximum autonomous vehicle uptime on a small scale. We had already driven at all times of day and in all kinds of conditions, but we wanted to further explore what it takes to run an autonomous fleet at maximum capacity. We called it the Drive-a-thon, and here’s how it went and what we learned.

A List of Chip/IP for Deep Learning (keep updating)

Machine Learning, especially Deep Learning technology is driving the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI). At the beginning, deep learning has primarily been a software play. Start from the year 2016, the need for more efficient hardware acceleration of AI/ML/DL was recognized in academia and industry. This year, we saw more and more players, including world’s top semiconductor companies as well as a number of startups, even tech giants Google, have jumped into the race. I believe that it could be very interesting to look at them together. So, I build this list of AI/ML/DL ICs and IPs on Github and keep updating. If you have any suggestion or new information, please let me know.

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Weekly Digest Jan. 2018 #2



Shan Tang

Since 2000, I worked as engineer, architect or manager in different types of IC projects. From mid-2016, I started working on hardware for Deep Learning.