A.I. Articles of the Week, Jun. 2018 #2

Shan Tang
3 min readJun 12, 2018


John Hennessy and David Patterson Deliver Turing Lecture at ISCA 2018

Titled “A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture: Domain-Specific Hardware/Software Co-Design, Enhanced Security, Open Instruction Sets, and Agile Chip Development,” the talk covers recent developments and future directions in computer architecture.

AI at Google: our principles

Google announced its new set of AI principles, and the company pledged not to use its technology for weaponry, surveillance that violates international norms, or pursuits that violate human rights.

How Instagram’s algorithm works

Yet Instagram has never explained exactly how the algorithm chooses what to show you until today. The Facebook -owned company assembled a group of reporters at its under-construction new San Francisco office to take the lid off the Instagram feed ranking algorithm.

The world’s most powerful supercomputer is tailor made for the AI era

The technology used to build America’s new Summit machine will also help us make the leap to exascale computing.

AI is acquiring a sense of smell that can detect illnesses in human breath

Artificial intelligence (AI) is best known for its ability to see (as in driverless cars) and listen (as in Alexa and other home assistants). From now on, it may also smell.

Maps of the brain



In this blog post, I will explore important work in deep learning for object detection. I will introduce how those methods evolved over time and compare their differences and similarities. By showing innovations and limitations of each method and how later methods progress to solve previous problems, you will see — which is quite interesting — that research gets improved each time by just a small but elegant adjustment.

Attacks against machine learning — an overview

This blog post survey the attacks techniques that target AI (artificial intelligence) systems and how to protect against them.

Building a Question-Answering System from Scratch — Part 1

First part of the series focusss on Facebook Sentence Embedding

A List of Chip/IP for Deep Learning (keep updating)

Machine Learning, especially Deep Learning technology is driving the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI). At the beginning, deep learning has primarily been a software play. Start from the year 2016, the need for more efficient hardware acceleration of AI/ML/DL was recognized in academia and industry. This year, we saw more and more players, including world’s top semiconductor companies as well as a number of startups, even tech giants Google, have jumped into the race. I believe that it could be very interesting to look at them together. So, I build this list of AI/ML/DL ICs and IPs on Github and keep updating. If you have any suggestion or new information, please let me know.

Weekly Digest May. 2018 #1

Weekly Digest May. 2018 #2

Weekly Digest May. 2018 #3

Weekly Digest May. 2018 #4

Weekly Digest May. 2018 #5

Weekly Digest Jun. 2018 #1



Shan Tang

Since 2000, I worked as engineer, architect or manager in different types of IC projects. From mid-2016, I started working on hardware for Deep Learning.