Call to action: Pilot Camden borough as a leading healthy, liveable and sustainable borough

Shana Tufail
5 min readJun 2, 2019



A crowdfunding pitch to bring together the Camden community (residents, organisations and council) and use virtual reality, art, local meet-ups and co-produced trainings and website to:

* bring the UN Global Goals (SDGs) to life across Camden and develop social cohesion collectively

* badge and shine a light on local organisations already contributing to the SDGs

* shift the needle on Camden as a leading healthy, liveable and sustainable borough and set the bar for other boroughs


To connect our collective local ambtion with the global ambition.

I live and work in Camden and love my borough and it’s progressive, rebellious yet inclusive nature. Yet we face challenging times in the wake of ongoing Brexit uncertainty and the urgent climate crisis unfolding around us.

We need urgent action to reduce tensions, inequalities and to act on climate and collectively we can go further, faster. As an impatient optimist who loves that HOPE is everywhere around Camden (quite literally as it’s painted in huge letters on bridges and buildings around the borough), I would like to present a challenge.

We need a cultural shift to understand how everything is connected, the way we live, work, shop etc. Virtual reality and art can help bring abstract concepts to life such as what does gender inequality in your circle look like. If you could experience it as a point of view (POV) 360 degree film clip, would you be movitated to take a stand on such issues. Or what does a local circular economy look like? Can we showcase this a version across Camden so more people push for it and help reduce waste and encourage sustainable resource efficiency? What does it feel like to be homeless on Camden streets? What does it feel like to live in healthy, liveable, sustainable borough? Are there fruit and vegatable plots growing on the roofs of Camden organisations which you can stop by on the way home and pick up? What does fresh air in London smell like? There are so many possibilities and opportunities that Camden council and organiations are already leading on. What else would you like to see? What would you like to see near your home or workplace?

Citizens often want to do more but aren’t aware of the opportunities available. There are many local organisations already contributing to the SDG’s and citizens who are taking a stand for an SDG/s but may not know it.

With council and goverment support and policies, we can help shift the needle towards renewable energy, responsible consumption, climate action, healthier streets, reduced inequalities and more.

We all have a part to play. What will you contribute to Camden as a leading sustainable borough?

As a citizen or organisation, you can volunteer time, skills or expertise to bringing Model My City to life

As a local organisation, you can get in touch regarding hosting or collaborating on an SDG related event or donate venue space

As Camden Council, you can put appropriate policies and support into place or donate venue space

All — you can leave a comment to show your support for this local ambition

All — you can leave a comment to show your support for this local ambition

With just over a week to go before the Mayor of London takes a look at this project and decides whether there is enough community support to pledge alongside, you can help me get as many pledges, comments and likes from the local community and beyond as possible.

Shana //

Model My City is a labour of love inviting partnerships and collaborations under SDG 17 — partnerships for the goals.


As a British female muslim diagnosed not all that long ago with a neurodivergent brain (dyspraxia and verbal apraxia, ADHD, sensory processing issues and on the autistic specturm), I have experienced what it feels like to live as if in a glass box seperated from the rest of the world. Growing up neurodivergent means I often feel as though I am operating in a world that does not make sense and is not designed for me. As a muslim, as a female, as someone neurodivergent, I know discrimination well, it is my lived experience every week and the lived experience of many. As such, I am constantly problem solving and looking for opportunities and moments to addresses inequalities. I want to live in a society which prioritises compassion and takes a stand to address inequalities in our own local spaces while co-creating ways to embed equality, diversity and inclusion principles in all we do.

As a creative systems thinker drawn to problem solving big societal and environmental challenges — I see how things are connected and as such my brain is drawn to innovating and throwing up a tsnami of ideas for creating a more equitable, sustainable, efficient way of life for the many not the few. My natural inclination is to find a win/win/win/win — for individuals, team, organisation and planet earth.

Which is where the UN Sustainable Development Goals // SDGs come in and why I advocate for their use in how we live, work and progress with justice at the heart of all we do.

In 2015, all 193 countries of the United Nations agreed to 17 goals for creating a better world by 2030, for business, for humanity and the planet. Together, these Global Goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and address climate change.

They offer a comprehensive framework for connecting the global ambition with local ambition. This project seeks to offer a snapshot of what is possible with Camden citizens and buisnesses with a co-produced plan of action over six months as an initial trial/proof of concept.

We have received support and encouragement from the global SDG’s community, and from those working on the city level in New York, Germany, Holland and more recently, London leaders.

Now it’s time to show your support for an idea who’s time has hopefully come.

This project seeks to tell the story of inequalities which take place on our doorstep to encourage compassion and action on shaping a better world — I recently watched a 360 film on gender equality / SDG 5 and was moved to tears at the onslaught of negativity. I’m looking to develop a #metoo VR storytelling version to share the everyday stories most women experience to incite sincere compassion and a will to help change hearts and minds on an issue that affects half the population to varying degrees — microagressions at the least often on a daily basis to more traumatic abuses.

This is just one example of a VR 360 degree action on SDG 5 — gender equality // SDG 10 reduced inequalities.

With just over a week to get around 200 pledges/comments before the Mayor of London decided whether to pledge, will you show support for the idea to connect the global ambition with the local ambition?



Shana Tufail

SDGs for Camden pilot/proof of concept project for Mayor of London’s crowdfund for improving local communities