Discouraged? You’re Not Alone

Shandra Carlson
4 min readMar 4, 2020

Discouraged? It happens – whether you’re a corporate guru, a successful entrepreneur, an employee or a student trying to break into your field of study.

Often we prefer no one knows because we are what we think, right? If we come across as down or discouraged, it could be to our detriment. We don’t want to appear weak or needy. The truth of the matter is, we need to address discouragement first and foremost, or we can become stuck and ineffective, or it may lead us to deeper issues.

Let me clarify that I am specifically discussing discouragement here, and is not intended to address depression or other diagnoses. According to dictionary.com, to be discouraged is to be “deprived of courage, hope, or confidence; disheartened; dispirited.”

Talking to ourselves sounds foolish but it most certainly isn’t. We all have conversations in our heads. We tell ourselves stories, truth or lies, and we believe them. So how do we combat discouragement when it hits us? How do we manage to overcome it so it doesn’t suck us into the vortex of hopelessness?

One of the key struggles throughout my adult life has been thinking I don’t do enough. I don’t work hard enough, I’m not good enough, I’m not trained enough, but they are all lies so why do I sometimes succumb to those thoughts? I’ll tell you why. If I screw up it becomes my focus. If…

