How to Choose a Personal Trainer?

Shane Young
3 min readApr 4, 2018


Fitness is all about getting what you need in a healthy amount of time with all the benefits that you are supposed to get. Working out alone or with some manual might not be enough. That is the reason why you need to work with a person trainer.

With personal training, it is like carrying with you a motivational speaker. The personal trainer will ensure that you have done everything the way that it is supposed to be done to achieve the goals that you have.

Finding an experienced personal trainer will go a long way to increase the chances that you will become what you want to be when you want to change.

Here are some pointers on how to choose:

1. Know What You Want to Achieve

Knowing what you want to achieve will not only help you have an easy time getting to the end but it will help very much when you are choosing the personal trainer. This is because you can choose one based on what they know and can accomplish because few are trained in everything.

Whatever the goal is, you will need to make sure that you have a custom made trainer. If you want to run a marathon, lose weight, get buffed up or anything else, you need someone that is well suited to get you that.

2. Credentials

Always, when you are getting a personal trainer, you will be dishing out the big bucks which means that you have to make sure you are getting your money’s worth. Do not hire some muscly athletic looking guy and assume that since he looks like that, he must know how to train you.

There are trainers who are not that buff themselves but they have nailed down the things that you need to do to make sure that you look as good as you want. Pick one from credentials.

3. Personality

How do you relate with people? What makes you move and get more done? These are the questions that you need to be asking as they will enable you to pick someone that is suited to you personality.

Maybe you like a military instructor who will yell or a soft spoken shrink-like kind of person. Figure out which and work with the one that will motivate you to get more done.

4. What Do You Like Doing?

The whole point of getting a personal trainer is to make this experience as personalized and customized for you as possible. That way, you will not have to struggle with fitting into paradigms that are not for you. Maybe you just hate gyms and want to work out outdoors.

If that is what you will enjoy doing, then do that. The 1 on 1 experience is heightened by having fun with this.

5. Experience

A personal trainer who has been doing this for a whole or has done it before is best as compared to someone that has not done anything at all. They need to have some experience so that they will be better placed to tell you what you need to be doing.

It will make it easier for you to be obedient and that is something that will help you train harder. Their philosophy which is very important will have developed to be useful for you and your attitude.

As you can tell, there is more to it.

We offer the best personal trainers in San Francisco. They are experienced, willing to work to your specifications and they are affordable. Don’t struggle with the gyms, do this your way.

