Least Authority’s Pro Bono Security Consulting Program

Shane Farrell
2 min readOct 29, 2021


Is your project open-source, privacy-enhancing, and resource-constrained? Apply for our Pro Bono Security Consulting program.

In commemoration of Least Authority’s 100th security audit, we launched a Pro Bono Security Consulting initiative as part of our mission to support open source projects and privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs).

The program aims to facilitate access to our Security Consulting Services for qualifying projects that face significant resource constraints, including:

  • Open source projects;
  • Non-profit organizations or projects that are resource-constrained; and
  • Projects aligned with Least Authority’s mission to “advance digital security and preserve privacy as a fundamental human right”, such as PETs.

Applicants should note that Least Authority intends to publish the results of the Pro Bono Security Consulting engagement on our website, in order to share lessons learned among the community of developers and users and reinforce security best practices.

Why are we doing this?

The Pro Bono Security Consulting program aligns with our values and commitment of “supporting the development of usable technology solutions and ethical business practices to advance digital security and preserve privacy as a fundamental human right”. We aim to make our Security Consulting Services more accessible to a broader spectrum of PETs whose values align with Least Authority’s mission.

As Liz Steininger, Least Authority’s CEO, states, “We see our work on our security audits as more than just consulting as a service — we believe it is a way to contribute to a broader community and a larger movement within the tech industry.”

Visit our website to learn more about the Pro Bono Security Consulting program and our Security Consulting Services. You can also read our Security Consulting FAQs and Published Security Audits.

About: Least Authority is a technology company supporting people’s right to privacy through security consulting and building secure solutions. A leader in the security of distributed systems, Least Authority offers consulting services, develops privacy-enhancing solutions, and contributes to the advancement of related open source and human rights projects.

