Branded Content Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

Shane Barker
6 min readAug 12, 2019

It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the digital marketing space is oversaturated with ads.

“Ad fatigue” is a common phenomenon among the average internet user. And many consumers stop converting because of overexposure to the same type of ad content.

Businesses pour tons of money into the digital marketing. But traditional online marketing methods are not as effective as they used to be.

With each passing year, consumers become tougher to impress. Which makes it even harder to leave a lasting impression of your brand

In this situation, brands need to look for new (and innovative) ways to connect with their prospective customers.

Branded content marketing is the solution

What is Branded Content?

Branded content is not your typical advertising model. It is a marketing technique that is focused on driving brand engagement and creating brand value.

Instead of directly marketing the products/services of a brand, branded content marketing produces content that helps consumers connect with the brand on an emotional level. This could be anything from articles and videos to podcasts and webinars.



Shane Barker

Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant that specializes in sales funnels, targeted traffic and website conversions. #InfluencerMarketing Writer for INC.