5 Ways to 10X Your Etsy Sales


If you’re selling digital products on Etsy, here’s how to boost your revenue (according to my sister)…

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m always talking about my sister.

And in this article, I’m focusing on her because she’s made over $100,000 on Etsy.

If you wanna be like her, do what she did.

Here’s how.

1. Go to e-rank for suggestions

E-rank is a site my sister uses to see what keywords will work best for her listings.

You enter some information about your shop and then you find out which keywords will help your listings rank high on Etsy.

To use eRank for suggestions on your Etsy shop, follow these steps.

Sign up and Connect Your Etsy Shop

Visit the eRank website (erank.com) and create an account.

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll need to connect your Etsy shop to eRank.

This allows eRank to access your shop’s data and provide tailored suggestions.

Analyze Shop Performance

After connecting your shop, eRank will generate an overview of your shop’s performance metrics.

This includes important data such as views, visits, favorites, and sales.

Review this information to gain insights into your shop’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Explore Keyword Research

eRank offers powerful keyword research tools that can help you optimize your shop’s visibility in Etsy search results.

Use the Keyword Explorer to find relevant keywords related to your products.

This tool provides insights into search volume, competition, and trends associated with specific keywords.

Improve Listing Optimization

With eRank, you can assess the effectiveness of your shop’s listings and optimize them for better visibility.

The Listing Audit feature analyzes your listings and provides recommendations for improvement.

It examines factors like titles, tags, descriptions, and images to ensure they align with best practices and keywords that are likely to attract more buyers.

Track Shop and Listing Performance

eRank allows you to monitor the performance of your shop and individual listings over time.

You can track changes in views, favorites, sales, and other key metrics.

This helps you identify which listings are performing well and which ones may need adjustments.

Competitor Analysis

eRank enables you to compare your shop’s performance to other shops in your niche.

By analyzing competitor data, you can gain insights into their strategies, identify trends, and make informed decisions to differentiate your shop and attract more customers.

Stay Informed with Alerts

eRank provides email alerts for various events related to your shop, such as changes in keyword rankings, listing scores, or competitor updates.

These alerts help you stay updated on important changes and take action accordingly.

eRank is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features to optimize and enhance your Etsy shop.

Take the time to explore its capabilities, leverage the insights it provides, and implement the recommendations to drive more traffic, increase sales, and improve your overall Etsy shop performance.

2. Add 8–10 Etsy Photos

If your listing has no photos, you’re gonna wanna change that.

Etsy listings with photos get a lot more attention from both Etsy and customers.

Adding 8–10 high-quality and compelling Etsy photos can significantly impact your sales on the platform. Here’s how it can help boost your Etsy sales:

Visual Appeal

Etsy is a visually driven platform, and high-quality photos can immediately catch the attention of potential buyers.

By showcasing your products in an appealing and professional manner, you increase the chances of attracting customers and enticing them to explore further.

Detailed Product Display

With more photos, you can provide a comprehensive view of your products from different angles.

This allows potential buyers to get a better understanding of the item’s features, design details, and overall quality. Clear and detailed product photos instill confidence in buyers and increase the likelihood of making a purchase.

Showcasing Variations

If your product comes in different variations, such as color or size options, including multiple photos allows you to showcase each variation separately.

This helps customers visualize the available options and select the one that best suits their preferences.

Building Trust

High-quality photos create a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness. They convey that you take your business seriously and that you are committed to delivering quality products.

Trust is crucial for online shoppers, and impressive product visuals contribute to building that trust, leading to more sales.

Answering Questions

By including multiple photos, you can address potential customer questions without them having to ask.

You can display different angles, details, and usage examples that provide a clearer understanding of the product’s features, functionality, and size. This reduces uncertainty and encourages confident purchasing decisions.

Enhancing SEO

Etsy’s search algorithm takes various factors into account, including images. By including relevant keywords in your photo titles, descriptions, and tags, you can optimize your images for search engine visibility.

This improves the chances of your products appearing in relevant search results, leading to increased traffic and potential sales.

Social Media Sharing

Compelling product photos are highly shareable, especially on platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.

By having visually appealing images, customers are more likely to share your products with their network, thereby expanding your reach and potential customer base.

Competitive Advantage

On Etsy, where many sellers offer similar products, having high-quality and comprehensive photos can give you a competitive edge.

It allows you to stand out from the competition, attract more attention, and differentiate yourself as a seller who takes pride in their products.

While adding 8–10 Etsy photos alone may not guarantee a 10X boost in sales, it’s a vital component of an effective listing.

By investing in professional photography or taking high-quality images yourself, you can significantly enhance your product presentation and increase the likelihood of driving more sales on Etsy.

3. Add Videos to Every Listing

Video marketing is where things are headed for literally everything.

People really love consuming visual content, which is why I make videos for every article I write and post them on TikTok.

Adding videos to your Etsy listings can have a significant impact on your sales, potentially boosting them by 10X.

Here’s how videos can contribute to increased sales on Etsy:

Dynamic Product Demonstration

Videos allow you to showcase your products in action.

By demonstrating how the item is used, highlighting its features, or providing a virtual tour, you provide potential customers with a more engaging and immersive experience.

This dynamic presentation helps them visualize the product’s value and increases their desire to make a purchase.

Better Product Understanding

Videos offer a more comprehensive understanding of your products compared to static images.

They enable you to explain the product’s features, demonstrate its versatility, and address common questions or concerns.

This clarity leads to increased buyer confidence, making them more likely to convert into a sale.

Building Trust and Credibility

Videos add a personal touch to your Etsy shop, allowing customers to see the face behind the business and connect with you on a more human level.

This personal connection builds trust and credibility, as customers feel more confident purchasing from a seller they can see and relate to.

Increased Engagement and Attention

Videos are inherently attention-grabbing and can captivate viewers for longer periods compared to static images or text.

By capturing and maintaining their attention, you increase the chances of conveying your unique selling points, capturing their interest, and ultimately converting them into buyers.

Storytelling and Branding

Videos provide an opportunity to tell your brand’s story, highlighting your values, inspiration, and the passion behind your products.

This storytelling aspect helps customers connect with your brand on an emotional level, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases.

Social Media Sharing

Engaging videos have a higher potential for sharing on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.

When customers share your videos, it expands your reach, increases brand visibility, and attracts more potential buyers to your Etsy shop.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Etsy’s search algorithm considers videos in search rankings, providing an additional opportunity to improve your shop’s visibility.

By optimizing your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords, you can increase the chances of your products appearing in search results, driving more organic traffic to your shop.

Competitive Advantage

Utilizing videos sets you apart from competitors who rely solely on static images.

It demonstrates your commitment to delivering a top-notch shopping experience and shows that you’re willing to invest extra effort to engage and inform your customers.

While results may vary, incorporating videos into your Etsy listings can undoubtedly enhance customer engagement, boost trust, and increase the likelihood of making a sale.

Consider investing in high-quality videos that effectively showcase your products, tell your brand’s story, and capture the attention of potential buyers.

4. Add keywords to listing description before you describe the product

On Etsy, standing out from the crowd is essential for success, especially with new people joining the platform all the time.

One powerful way to enhance your product visibility and attract potential buyers is by strategically incorporating keywords into your listing description.

Grab Attention Early

By placing relevant keywords at the beginning of your product description, you immediately communicate to potential buyers what your item is about.

This not only helps capture their attention but also assures them that they’re in the right place to find what they’re looking for.

Enhance Search Rankings

Etsy’s search algorithm considers the placement of keywords within a listing.

Placing them at the forefront of your description increases the chances of your product appearing higher in search results. This means more eyes on your items and, ultimately, more potential sales.

Improve User Experience

Clear and concise language at the start of your description, driven by targeted keywords, makes it easier for shoppers to quickly understand what your product offers.

This improved user experience can lead to higher conversion rates and positive reviews.

Cater to Scanners

A lot of online shoppers are ‘scanners’ — they quickly skim through listings to find what they want.

Placing important keywords upfront caters to this behavior, ensuring that even scanners get the key details about your product.

Strengthen Category Relevance

Etsy’s category and subcategory structure is vital for helping shoppers navigate the platform.

Including relevant keywords at the beginning of your description reinforces the category relevance, aligning your product with what buyers are seeking.

Incorporating strategic keywords into your product listings is a simple yet highly effective way to increase visibility, attract potential buyers, and ultimately maximize your sales on Etsy.

Remember, balance is key — ensure your description remains natural and engaging while optimizing for search. Happy selling!

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Shanea Patterson (sp3550@nyu.edu)

Copywriter and content creator helping people make money online by freelancing, starting a business, and creating passive income. Top Writer in Advice & Ideas.