Letter from asylum seekers on Manus to PM Turnbull

Shane Bazzi
1 min readSep 16, 2015


Asylum seekers at the detention centre on Manus Island have written a letter to the new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.

The asylum seekers state the negative impact of detention on their mental health and ask that Mr Turnbull “bring back the taste of freedom and living to us.”

The asylum seekers write: “We also support saving lives at sea, because we saw death with our own eyes at sea, but at the moment we are experiencing gradual death at detention for more than two years, that affects our mental health daily. We see men cutting themselves as they are suffering.

“Our request from you, who are as a father to your children, is to look at us fatherly and bring back the taste of freedom and living to us.

“If you haven’t decided to resettle us to Australia because of any reason we please expect to resettle us in countries that participate in the UNHCR resettlement program and UNHCR confirm them.”

Letter from asylum seekers on Manus Island to Prime Minister Turnbull

