Email Is Still A Popular Marketing Way, Despite Not Being Social Media

Shane Mc Grath
4 min readFeb 5, 2019


With the advancing technologies and improvements in tools and applications, social media has become a universal mode of communication. A few years ago, the e-mails were considered to be an advanced form of communication, but that notion has been overridden by the invasion of social media. Many forms of social media have been introduced into the market since then and, it was assumed that it was the end of the email era. However, this perception has been proved wrong as emails continue to be an important mode of communication even today.

What Do The Reports Say?

According to a survey conducted by Adobe in June 2018, the email usage has been increasing proportionately, especially among the US-based internet users who own smartphones. The 2017 results showed that there was an approximate 17% increase in the number of email users, particularly with the usage of the personal emails or in the offices.

In another survey, 50% of the people had said that they preferred emails as their mode of communication and as a contact method when they wanted to know about any new offers, etc. The preference for emails was more from the older age group of responders who seemed to be more sentimentally strong about using emails. It was a surprise that the lower age groups, i.e., 32% of youngsters from the age group of 18–24 years and 44% of the people from the age group of 25–34 years, preferred the social media more than the emails.

Why Are Emails Still Preferred?

Emails are a common and ubiquitous mode of interaction which has been in use since long. Since old habits die hard, emails have been a favorite though there have been many advances in the social media mode of communication. From the survey results, it was evident that there were quite a number of reasons why the emails are still an old favorite of many. With the consumers preferring emails over other modes of electronic communication, the marketers are also focusing more on email marketing. The main aim of the digital marketing companies is to increase the reach of a particular brand to the prospective customers. Though there are many techniques to achieve the same, most digital marketers prefer incorporating email marketing services also as one of the techniques. Here are a few reasons why the techno-marketers prefer the emails for marketing purposes more than any other electronic modes of communication.

· More Informative — Emails contain more information about a brand’s product or service than the short messages that are displayed on social media. A lot more content regarding the company’s products and services can be incorporated into the emails. This gives more chance for the customer to know and understand better about your company and allows more engagement with the user, in turn, increasing your web traffic and your sales. At BOXFinity, one of the well-known email marketing companies in Hyderabad, we carry out email marketing campaigns that will contain a lot of relevant information regarding your brand products and services and it will be sent to prospective customers.

· Personalized Content — By keeping the target audience in mind, you can create customized emails that will attract the attention of the customer and let them know about the company’s services and products. Giving a personalized touch to the emails is very likely to hit the bull’s eye, and improve the web traffic and business prospects. Of all the established digital marketing companies in Hyderabad, BOXFinity is known for its creative designers and expert content writers who will customize emails and target the customer to improve your business prospects.

· Engaging Content — Unlike the most social media marketing techniques, emails have more user-engaging content like images, GIFs, and videos. The more relevant and attractive images and media, the more it will engage the customers, and the more relevant the content, the more is the probability for the customer to avail of your services or products. The creative content writers at BOXFinity showcase their expertise in creating highly relevant and engaging content, which has been proved as BOXFinity is considered as one of the popular email marketing companies in Hyderabad.

Many polls have been conducted in the past by digital marketing companies to know how people perceived emails and how useful email marketing could be in targeting the right customer. Almost 75% of the poll results were in favor of using emails as an effective marketing strategy and, most of them said that the email customizations make them feel important as a customer and urge them to avail of your products or services. So, if you are planning on targeting more prospective customers to avail your brand products and services, you should choose email marketing as one of the online marketing strategies. At BOXFinity, we will assure that you get the services as per your preferences and we will prove why we are one of the top email marketing companies in Hyderabad. We will put in personalization efforts and make email as one of the leading channels in online marketing.

