
I will not spend time defending the Fuentes' of the world, since I do not approve of their rhetoric or methods, though I find this sort of formulation of people of color as "White Nationalists" to be rather amusing, because it is so incorrect. Nationalism comes in many forms. What Tarrio (and, perhaps to some extent, Fuentes) are promoting is an aggressive form of traditional Nationalism, but not one based in 'racial' identity, so it is ridiculous to identify rabid Nationalists that are people of color as "White Nationalists". A lack of understanding of nationalism is what results in such absurd construction. A White Nationalist of the retrograde KKK or George Wallace variety are racial identitarians. A Black Nationalist is also a racial identitarian. A traditional Nationalist is nation-centric, not race-centric. Conflating these is a mistake and leads to a misunderstanding of different movements.

