Gentle Leadership: 9 Ways To Be The Best Kind Of Leader.

Shane Sheppard
4 min readMay 27, 2022


gentle leader high fives team member.
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Most people think of leadership as a controlling or a domineering part to play within a business, separating yourself from subordinates and colleagues to be a more effective leader.

Does this sound like you? or someone you know?

In this article we will explore 9 ways the gentle style of leadership can be the most productive way to manage a team or business and make you a great leader.

What is gentle leadership?

Gentle leadership is a term that was first coined by author James Hunter in his book The Servant Leader. He argues that the best way to lead is to serve those who you are leading. This means putting the needs of your team before your own and showing them the respect that they deserve.

This concept has gained a lot of traction in recent years as more and more businesses start to see the benefits of this style of management.

Below we investigate a few of these advantages and explore how you can start to incorporate gentle leadership into your work place.

Benefits of gentle leadership

There are many advantages to this approach to leadership, both for the leader and for the team that they are leading.

Below we investigate a few of these advantages and explore how you can start to incorporate gentle leadership into your work place. Some of these benefits include:

It encourages creativity and innovation: When people feel valued and respected, they are more likely to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. This can lead to a more creative and innovative team.

It builds trust: gentle leaders are more likely to gain the trust of their team members. This is because they are seen as being more interested in the welfare of their team than their own personal gain.

It increases productivity: A study by Harvard Business School found that gentle leadership results in a more productive workforce. This is because employees feel motivated to work hard when they know

How to be a gentle leader?

There are many ways you can incorporate gentle leadership at work.

Here are some tips on how you can do this:

1. Be clear about your vision.

Your team needs to know what your goal is and why it matters. Be clear about what you’re trying to achieve, and make sure everyone is engaged and on the same page.

2. Be patient.

Things won’t always go according to plan, and that’s okay. Don’t get frustrated when things don’t go perfectly, and be patient with your team members as they work towards the goal.

3. Encourage open communication.

Communication is key in all business roles, however being a gentle leader means you’ll likely have to encourage it more. Make sure everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas, and listen to what they have to say.

4. Be flexible.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership, so be willing to adapt your style as needed. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to try something new.

5. Be supportive.

Your team members will make mistakes, and it’s important to be there for them when they do. Offer encouragement and help them learn from their mistakes so they can continue growing and developing.

6. Reward good work.

When your team members do a great job, let them know! A little recognition can go a long way in motivating people to do their best.

7. Be open to feedback.

It’s important to be open to feedback from your team members. Not only does it help you improve as a leader, but it also shows that you’re willing to listen to and learn from others.

8. Be consistent.

If you want your team to respect you, you need to be consistent in your words and actions. People will quickly lose faith in you if they feel like you’re constantly changing your mind or going back on your word.

9. Focus on the future.

It’s important to stay focused on your goals and not get bogged down in the day-to-day details. Keep your eye on the prize and continue moving forward.

Bonus Tips


Your team are all individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses. By delegating tasks appropriately, you can utilise each team member’s strengths to ensure that the task has a higher chance of success.

Trust your instincts and delegate tasks to those who you feel are best suited to complete them. This will not only ensure that the task is completed effectively, but it will also give team members a sense of ownership and responsibility.


Incentives are a great way to gentle lead your team towards success. By offering recognition for a job well done, you can encourage team members to work harder and be more productive.

This could be in the form of a bonus, extra holiday days or just some simple office improvements. Whatever form it takes, an incentive will show your team that their efforts are appreciated and that you are willing to invest in their success.

Gentle leadership can be an effective way to achieve a productive team. By focusing on your goals, delegating tasks appropriately and maintaining a positive attitude, you can create a positive and productive team environment.

Thanks for reading! I hope these tips help you become a more gentle leader in your workplace.



Shane Sheppard

Entrepreneurial tech aficionado, wannabe minimalist, audiophile, anime enthusiast & no-code advocate. Building digital experiences via dev or digital marketing.