Economic Empowerment - Collaboration - Love

Wacoinda vs. Marvel?

Shanette Williams
5 min readAug 29, 2018


You may have heard that Disney’s Marvel (creators of the movie “Black Panther”) got news about an economic empowerment and educational group on Facebook called Wacoinda and has filed for a 90 day extension on Wacoinda’s trademark application. The reason is to investigate whether Wacoinda violated any of the branded “Wakanda” trademark and to determine if they will oppose Wacoinda’s pending trademark for the name “Wacoinda”.


The fact of the matter is that Wacoinda and Wakanda are in two totally separate categories and it’s very difficult to confuse the two with one another. Simply put, Wacoinda is a real life economic empowerment and educational group with real active members tackling real issues in the community and Wakanda is a fictional place in a movie with fictional superhero characters whose fictional community collaboration efforts don’t go further than the end of the movie. Whew, that was a mouth full! But before we go any further, let’s get a bird’s-eye view of who Wacoinda really is.

Wacoinda Feature By NowThis Money on Facebook

Wacoinda (Wa-Coin-Da) is an Economic Empowerment and Educational Community on Facebook with the overall mission to eradicate economic injustice everywhere. Watch the short video feature of the group by NowThis Money (pictured) here. Wacoinda was founded in January 2018 by Lamar Wilson and Lafe Taylor. By March 2018, Wacoinda became the fastest growing economic group on Facebook. The group currently has over 32,900 members.

The group was created to help introduce, empower, and teach people about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, the stock market, fintech, asset allocation, and other valuable financial information. Wacoinda has led many people on a successful path to greater financial literacy and creating generational wealth. Wacoinda’s Core Values (Economic Empowerment, Collaboration, Love, Patience, Consistence, Togetherness) are taken seriously in the group and seamlessly tie into the overall mission.

Where Did The Name Wacoinda Come From?

The group’s original name was “The Black Coin Group” and shortly after its inception the group’s majority voted to have the name changed to “Wacoinda”. So there you have it. One thing that’s unique about the group is that it has no rules like many other Facebook groups do. The group is self-governing and members are encouraged to use free thinking/speech and to have open debates and dialogue in Wacoinda.

Why I love Wacoinda

I truly believe in and support the group’s mission and core values and try to add value to the group as well by sharing valuable information and assisting other members in the group. It’s a melting pot of all types of people with a vast amount of experiences who all bring something different to the group. Wacoinda is a great community that feels more like an extended family that support each other with love. I look forward to visiting the group daily.

Another great thing I love about Wacoinda is that it’s the first Facebook group to create its own cryptocurrency in denominations of Garvey and CJ’s, named in honor of Marcus Garvey and Madame C.J. Walker. The cryptocurrency is housed in the Wacoinda Fa’Eva Digital Wallet. The group’s cryptocurrency has its own blueprint outline with glossary as well. It was created as a learning tool to help people get familiar with and comfortable using a digital wallet and transferring cryptocurrency. It soon became a popular medium of exchange for products and services within the Wacoinda Market where members advertise, buy, and sell products and services from businesses belonging to its members.

But it doesn’t stop there….

Wacoinda has several different focused groups that stem off of the original group that allow members to join for specific interests that cover a wide variety of topics. Those groups include Wacoinda Visitor’s Center, Wacoinda Health, Wacoinda Market, Wacoinda Travel Center, Wacoinda Tech Heads, Wacoinda Network, Wacoinda Singles, and more. In order to become a member of either focus group, you must be a member of the main Wacoinda group first.

Wacoinda is FUN!

We have organic Facebook Live videos where all kinds of ideas and plans are manifested in a fun loving way. We also have a “Block Party” every weekend where we add in a lot more fun by sharing music, games, funny memes and articles, cryptocurrency giveaways, etc., which in turn helps us get to know other members better. There has been real life friendships formed and a great level of networking created within the group and into the real world. There’s just so much to love about Wacoinda!

Now What?

If you’ve seen the movie Black Panther and their city of Wakanda, you may soon realize for yourself that the two do not compare at all in what they actually are or represent. I honestly don’t see how some would confuse the economic empowerment and educational group Wacoinda with Marvel’s brand Wakanda other than a mere similarity in the sound of the names. The trademark extension is in effect until November 14, 2018.

Until Then…..

The name of our group is not what makes our group so strong and unique, it’s the members and the mission that we uphold that make it so! Whether or not Wacoinda gets to move forward with the trademark name, we will continue to stand strong in unity, focus on our mission, and moving forward with patience, consistence, and togetherness while continuing to empower and educate people about financial literacy as a part of our driving force.


Wacoinda’s Currency — One Garvey Coin Pictured

To learn more about the group, join here. To download the Wacoinda Fa’Eva Wallet and get some free cryptocurrency, click here . For step by step instructions on how to set up your digital wallet, go here.
*You will need to be a member of Wacoinda and need 2 referral codes to become official for your Wacoinda Wallet. Feel free to use these referral codes: 87182 and 5a037.



Shanette Williams

Registered Nurse, Entrepreneur, Army Veteran, Certified Blockchain Expert, Cryptocurrency Enthusiast