50+: Red flags to watch out and what to do about it

Shan Go
7 min readOct 1, 2017


from geria50.wordpress.com

It helps to keep track of red flags to keep healthy after 50 years.


80.Heart palpitations heart may pound, flutters or may even skip a beat, sweating, chills, trouble breathing and chest pain. Stress and anxiety trigger the release of hormones that speed up the heart beat. Intense exercises like cycling, swimming and running can cause a flutter and fast breathing, especially if you are out of touch for a period of time. Women might find their heart racing when they are close to menopause due to the hormone changes, but it is only temporary. Fever above 100 F can cause the heart rate to increase. Some medicines may also cause palpitations.

what to do? Most palpitations are not serious, though they need to be checked up if in doubt as arrhythmia, a condition of irregular heart beat, and premature ventricular contractions can also cause palpitations. Coffee, soda, tea or chocolate may cause palpitations with people with heart rhythm problems. Nicotine and cocaine can cause palpitations, including their withdrawals, but stopping smoking or drug is the best thing you can do for your health. Anemia may cause palpitations when there are not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen. Low blood sugar, overactive thyroid glands, may cause palpitations. For palpitations due to medical conditions see a doctor. Especially if palpitations are accompanied by chest pain or pressure, dizziness, fainting or shortness of breath a doctor’s appointment is a must.

81. Hemoglobin levels anemia is becoming a global issue, with a lot of 50+ being found to be having hemoglobin, the iron-containing protein lesser than the desired amounts in their blood. The importance of hemoglobin cannot be stressed enough as their primary function is to carry oxygen throughout the body, so that cells can carry on their basic functions. It also carry’s carbon dioxide back to the lungs, so the gas can be exhaled. The normal levels of hemoglobin in the human body is

*14–18g/dL for adult men.

*12–16g/dL for adult women.

what to do? As hemoglobin is important for maintaining a healthy life, vitamins B 12, B 9 and C play an indispensable role in its maintenance.

(a) Consume iron rich (as per your doctor’s advice) foods like asparagus, tofu, almonds, oysters, fortified breakfast cereals, liver, shrimp, spinach, dates and lentils.

(b)Improve your Vitamin C intake, as if there is a Vitamin C deficiency, our iron levels may go down. Lemon, papaya, oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, grape fruit are all foods rich in Vitamin C.

© Focus on food items rich in folic acid or Vitamin B complex, required to make red blood cells. Rice, break fast cereals, sprouts, dried beans, wheat germ, peanuts are foods rich in folic acid.

(d)Include beets in your daily diet. Rich in iron, folic acid, fiber, potassium, beets helps in augmenting hemoglobin levels. Apples and black strap molasses are also rich in iron, Vitamin C, folic acid etc, needed for healthy hemoglobin levels. Black strap molasses with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar helps.

82.Bacteria in the mouth may either raise or lower our risk for esophageal cancer, according to latest studies. The presence of bacteria called Tarantella forsythia, that is linked to gum disease increased the risk of cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, by 21 %. Mostly men are affected by this and it is one of the top 10 causes of death by cancer. The study also found that the types of bacteria that causes gum disease are also linked to pancreatic cancer.

what to do? The mouths overall, protective bacterial make-up can be changed by smoking, heavy drinking, fatty, sugary diet, gum disease or gastric reflex. Beware of these habits and do get treated for gastric reflex disease promptly.

83.Lung Cancer as innocuous as a cough that would not go away, chest pain during deep breaths, shortness of breathe, fatigue, leading to coughing up bloody phlegm. A type of scan called spiral CT may pick up early stages of lung cancer. Heavy smokers of 55–80 years are advised to take a CT scan every year. Chest X-ray and other imaging tests, coughing up phlegm for the sputum test and biopsy of the lungs are the other tests used for screening lung cancer. Small-cell lung cancer is more aggressive and is strongly tied to smoking. Non-small-cell lung cancer grows more slowly and is more common and is the 85% of lung cancers. Also important is the stage, which describes how far the cancer has spread. Surgery involves removing a part of the lung to one lung, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy are the treatment for lung cancer. Second hand smoke raises the risk of lung cancer, as does working with uranium, arsenic, radon gas, and other chemicals. Asbestos, till recently widely used for insulation is a known cause of lung cancer. The world has realized that modernization of countries, with pollution from cars, factories and power plants may affect the lungs. A family history of lung cancer and drinking of water high in arsenic raises the risk too.

what to do? it is enough to say that prior to the widespread use of mechanical cigarette rollers, lung cancer was one of the rarest of the diseases to afflict mankind, to insist on avoiding smoking. 9 out of 10 lung cancer cases are because of smoking, while Radon gas, pollution may be the cause of that 1%. Cigarettes are packed with cancer- causing chemicals. The airways are lined with tiny hairs called Cilia, which sweep out toxins, bacteria and viruses from entering the airways. Tobacco smoke stop them from doing their jobs, causing cancerous chemicals to build up. Avoiding secondary smoke, pollution, drinking polluted water, chemicals, living under asbestos-insulated places are all part of the prevention from lung cancer.r

84.Flu increases the risk of other deadly diseases in the elderly population. Flu is not only a matter of fever, aches and pains, but also increasing the inflammation in the body. According to medical specialists, even after a month of recovering from flu, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases manifold. Senior citizens account for about 80% of flu-related deaths. Flu can make an active person very sick, and also leave them in a much lesser level of functioning than before, pushing them down the disability scale.

what to do? Get your flu vaccine ASAP. Flu shots are particularly designed and licensed to produce an enhanced immune response in seniors.


A rational look at death and aftermath…

Often enough, our mind dwells on death and it’s aftermath, especially as we age. If there is ONE thing that does not change or can be explained rationally, perfectly, it is death. As each religion explains death as per its realm and theology, what does a modern, scientific, rational mind think about death? Very interesting and debatable. Maybe one of the thousands of questions and theories that plagued man from the time mankind started existing, but still no possible explanations found.

what is death?

Is death painful?

what happens after death?

where do we go after death?

Death is actually a very interesting process, just like birth!

The process, for ‘Death’, yes it is a process, just like ‘Birth’ starts with the feet getting ‘disconnected’ (it becomes cold a couple of hours before death), from the bonds of the earth, the same feet that walked the length and breathe of the world, a few hours before the person dies.

Death severes the ‘astral cord’, which is the connection of ‘soul’ to the body, a strong, relational cords, the dynamics of our relationships and bonds.

This sudden, abrupt break may make the dying person ‘feel’ the need, wish to connect again and in this quest, our journey to find answers to the above questions begin about the end of the physical body.

The ‘soul’ is at first unable to accept that it is ‘dead’. There is still the ‘feeling’ of the remnants of being alive.But since the astral cord is severed, the soul is pushed out of the body by the ‘magnetic’ unseen forces.

End of the physical body.

At this stage, the soul hears many voices, the thoughts, feelings and speeches going on among other humans. The soul tries to communicate to its human brother, but fails to be heard, floating and hearing in another realm.

Detachment from the body is complete.

Life review

There is no judge , no God here. The soul judges itself as he/she judged others during the lifetime. The soul is not bound by body or ego, so, the judgement is perfect. The soul realizes there is no friend or enemy, that it alone is the reason for good or evil, and the consequences thereof.

The soul now experiences complete freedom, moves upwards and away to the periphery of the earth’s plane, free of the binding negative and positive emotions that makes what we are as long as we live and has a perfect experience of ‘REALITY’.

The soul realizes that the ‘universe’ is perfect, a blue print so beautifully designed, the time, the place, the events, the negatives and positives, the complexes and the concepts, the definable and the indefinable, the visible and the invisible, freedom and boundaries, the self, ego are all the various aspects of the creation and completion of the cosmic cycle.

The soul realizes that Life-death cycle is just a perpetual aspect of nature, like the five elements of nature. That bonding and binding is just a need for a social animal and that freedom from ignorance and delusions is true independence.

Now the soul may want to be ‘free’ forever and not earthbound ever.



Shan Go

My website is for life after 50+, a land mark in anybody’s life.