Top Questions for a React Native Interview

Gets Solution
4 min readOct 28, 2023


What is react native?

React Native is a framework for developing native mobile applications using JavaScript. It allows building iOS and Android applications from the same codebase. React Native is developed using React, a JavaScript library widely used in building user interfaces. Thus, web developers are able to study and use React Native with relative ease.

Why is React Native popular?

React Native is widely preferred in the mobile development industry due to its many advantages over alternative frameworks. These benefits include:

Cross-platform development: Using a single codebase, React Native enables developers to create applications for both iOS and Android. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required by developers.

The performance of React Native applications is attributed to their creation using native components.

Rich development environment: Provides access to an extensive collection of React Native tools and libraries.

Active and substantial developer community: There is a large community of people who support React Native and contribute to the framework by developing new tools and libraries.

Access Now: Top 13 React Native Interview Questions (2023)

What are the benefits of using React Native?

There are many advantages to using React Native, including:

React Native enables programmers to create applications more quickly than alternative mobile development frameworks. Because developers only need to write code once for iOS and Android, this is the case.

React Native enables developers to reduce development expenses by removing the need to employ separate teams specifically for iOS and Android development.

React Native applications are less labor-intensive to maintain due to their integrated codebase. This means that to upgrade an app for both iOS and Android, developers need to make only a single modification to the code.

React Native applications are provided unrestricted access to every native feature available on iOS and Android platforms. This enables application developers to create applications that have the same visual and tactile experience as the native application.

What are the challenges of using React Native?

There are additional barriers associated with using React Native, including:

Developers who are not familiar with React or JavaScript will face a learning curve when using React Native.

React Native applications can sometimes experience performance issues, especially on older devices.

Debugging: Debugging complex React Native applications can be challenging.

What are the different threads used in React Native?

React Native works on the following three threads:

Main/UI Thread: This thread presents the user interface and acts as the main thread of the application.

Shadow Thread: This thread computes the architecture of the user interface.

This thread is tasked with executing JavaScript code.

What is the difference between props and states in React Native?

Props refer to immutable data that is passed between child and parent components. A state contains content that is subject to modification and is owned by a given component.

What are the different ways to navigate between screens in React Native?

React Native provides two primary ways to navigate between screens:

Stack navigation is the prevalent method used in React Native to navigate between displays. This provides users with the ability to cycle between displays within a layer.

Users are able to navigate between windows via the tab navigation bar located at the bottom of the screen.

What are some of the most common React Native components?

Following are some of the most popular React Native components:

View: In React Native, the View component serves as the base for all other components.

The text element is responsible for rendering text content on the screen.

The image component is responsible for rendering visual content on the screen.

The Button component is used to generate tappable icons for consumers.

The TextInput component facilitates the entry of text by the user.

How can you optimize performance in React Native apps?

Several methods exist to optimize the efficacy of React Native applications, including:

Use native components: React Native enables the use of native components as opposed to custom components. Native components exhibit better performance due to their development in the native language of the platform.

To prevent unnecessary re-rendering, React Native re-renders elements in response to changes in their attributes or states. Re-rendering can be prevented through memoization and the use of PureComponents.

Use a profiler: There are a variety of React Native profilers available to help identify performance bottlenecks within one’s code.

How can you debug React Native apps?

Several methods exist for debugging React Native applications, such as:

Use React Developer Tools: You can debug React Native applications running on a device or emulator by using React Developer Tools, which is a browser extension.

Implement a console. It is possible to inspect variables and log messages using the console.

Using breakpoints, you can stop the execution of your code at a particular time, allowing you to check the current state of the application.

What are some best practices for React Native development?

Following are some recommended practices for React Native development:

Use a component library: A component library can contain a collection of pre-built components that can be included in applications. By doing this you can save time and effort.

Conforming to the React Style Manual: As a set of guidelines, the React Style Guide specifies how to write React code. Following style guides can result in more readable and maintainable code.

It is essential to evaluate your code to verify that it works as expected. You can test your code using various testing frameworks including Jest and React testing libraries.


React Native is widely used as a framework for developing native mobile applications. Compared to alternative mobile development frameworks, it offers several benefits, including performance optimization, cross-platform development, and a comprehensive development environment.

Anyone can prepare for a career as a React Native developer by taking a variety of preparatory measures. You should familiarize yourself with React, JavaScript, and React Native fundamentals. In addition to practicing React Native application development, you should participate in the React Native community.



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