The Complete Guide to Creating an Open to Work Linkedin Post

2 min readApr 29, 2024



Welcome to the comprehensive guide on leveraging LinkedIn’s “Open to Work” feature. In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to utilize every tool at your disposal to stand out and connect with potential employers or recruiters. LinkedIn’s Open to Work feature offers a strategic way to signal your availability for new opportunities, increasing your visibility to relevant parties within your network and beyond. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can effectively utilize this feature to enhance your job search and career prospects.

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Understanding Open to Work Feature on LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s Open to Work feature is a powerful tool designed to assist job seekers in their quest for new opportunities. By activating this feature on your profile, you signal to recruiters and hiring managers that you are actively seeking employment. Let’s delve deeper into the key aspects of this feature:


When you enable the Open to Work feature, LinkedIn adds a distinctive green frame around your profile photo, indicating your availability. This visual cue helps your profile stand out in search results and notifications, making it easier for recruiters to identify potential candidates.

Privacy Settings

LinkedIn understands the importance of privacy, especially when it comes to job searching. Therefore, they offer several options to control the visibility of your job-seeking status:

  • Public Visibility: You can choose to display the “Open to Work” badge to everyone, including those outside your network.
  • Network Visibility: Alternatively, you can limit the visibility to only your LinkedIn connections, providing a more discreet approach.





Hi, I'm Zeshan, a skilled web developer & Level 2 Fiverr seller with 8 years of experience.