3 min readMay 12, 2021

Homo sapien!

What if one day you wake up and find out that all your credit cards and debit cards lose their value the currencies in your wallet are considered mere papers.You step into Pizza-Hut for lunch and you notice customers singing, dancing or educating them with new recipes in exchange for pizzas while your neighbors have several vegetation which they plant for you and you cook for them .There is a strange feel of “us” “we” or whatever. But unfortunately you’ve gotta get up from that billet open your eyes to start yet another day with a little shopping on the internet, buy groceries ,your kid’s fee, buying your lady’s favorite saree and try closing your eyes with a petty wish that the list ends for the day. Having all these in your head you fail to look those fighting on the road for survival. In fact “survival of the fittest” is one theory that still holds good among us , and we own the credit of having transferred the species which we and the other human beings on this planet belong to called ‘Homo Sapiens’ ,into something called ‘aliens’ the former hunted food and evolved behaviors that help them survive the unstable environment.Now the only trait that seems to be common with early man is that we still inhale oxygen and exhale carbon di oxide. All they followed was the Nature’s Economy which is a pay-it-forward economy where one sows for the other to reap. They were all bound to assist the ecosystem. When the chimpanzee senses its hunger it has fruits without any guilt and zero sense of obligation. And in turn propagates the seeds which gives birth to one such and it poops as well which is the food for the soil. The critical point is that it never takes more than what it needs, we never see any two animals bartering . There is none who keeps a record of what the bush gets in return. It all happens how it has to happen. “There is no credit and debt in nature”.
The people of the Anuta island in the Solomon islands archipelago maintain a modern gift economy on their tiny kingdom . Everything from food clothing to shelter are shared by the inhabitants of that island.They have’nt struggled to the next door wealthy neighbours. All their people, farm , land patches where people who plant short-term crop follow crop rotation and share those with the farmers, who are stuck with, farming sturdier crops. Few people do earn money at times ,when they travel to different islands while fishing, but even that income is used to buy goods that are again shared among the islanders.
Won’t you find it interesting to do a job that you love without any predetermined fee. You do it for nothing more than the love of it. Sounds implausible? Think it’s an era yet to be born? ” Gift economy or gift culture” is an ancient system which dates back to the Stone Age where goods or services are given away without any expectation of rewards. There should be a place on earth where no nation claims as its own, after all this time the Sun never says to the earth “look you owe me” for lighting the entire the sky. A place of peace and harmony where all the fighting instinct in man are only to be used explicitly to overcome the reason of their sufferings and miseries, to overcome their weaknesses and ignorance, and to win over their limitations and disabilities.
The world would have been a much better place to live in, if there wasn’t a discovery called “money” which led to several other inventions for instance a Refrigerator is where one stores his food for one-selves for days to-gather forgetting that there was some thing called ‘sharing’ ever existed. We first let the humanity in us die and now it even resulted in the extinction of a species. While the world is worrying (i assume they do) about the species such as leather-back turtle, javan rhino and 15 other wild creatures that are on the verge of extinction , we forgot the fact that the advent of ‘aliens’ and the extinction of ‘Homo sapiens’ ages back was reason for all these miseries!!!!!!