America: The Obese Capital?

4 min readOct 30, 2023


What are the most common stereotypes you hear about Americans? As an American myself, the most common stereotypes I hear are that we watch a lot of television, we are obsessed with guns, and we are overweight.

While these accusations are interesting, the stereotype that caught my attention the most was that Americans are overweight and this is because it is a negative stereotype. If the stereotype about Americans being overweight is true, then that is a problem because obesity is a health concerning issue.

For those who don’t know what obesity is, according to Mayo Clinic, “ obesity is a complex disease involving having too much body fat.” Being obese can increase the risk of a variety of diseases and health problems such as “heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, sleep apnea, and certain cancers” (Mayo Clinic).

With the many risks of obesity alongside being an American, the stereotype of Americans being “overweight” or “obese” is one I do not want to be true. This stereotype is not only saying America is more obese compared to other nations on average, but one of the most obese nations in the world. This leads me to ask the question: is America really the obese capital of the world?

This graph lists the top 30 most obese nations in the world in the year 2023. The way this graph works is by taking the total obesity population percentage of each nation, and then ranking them from most to least from top to bottom. If you look at the graph you can see that the United States is ranked as the 12th most obese nation in the world at 38%; This is a far cry from the number 1 spot, Nauru, which is at 61%.

Even though the United States is the 12th most obese nation out of the 195 countries in the world, the top 10 most obese nations in the world are significantly more obese by a considerable margin. But the public makes it seem like the United States is the most obese nation in the world, why?

My guess as to why other nations make it seem like the United States is the most obese nation in the world when it really is not is because the United States is one of the most well-known countries in the world. Not a lot of people know about the other 11 most obese nations, so we get all the publicity.

My second guess as to why other nations seem to exaggerate the severity of obesity in the United States is that since we are one of the most powerful countries in the world, other nations try to downplay our feats by shedding us in a negative light in an attempt to gain any type of advantage over us.

Even though other nations exaggerate the United States’ problem with obesity, the percentage is still high at 38%. That means more than 1/3 of the U.S. population is obese. If you are wondering if the entire nation with each state suffering as a whole from obesity like I am, then I have some data that provides the answer.

This map shows the total obesity population of each state in the U.S. in the year 2022. If you look at the graph you can see that no state is under 25% with the states with the highest percentage being West Virginia, Louisiana, and Oklahoma; they are all around 40%. This means that in every U.S. State, at least 1/4 of the population is obese.

Before researching, I guessed the obesity rate would be higher in the upper part of the U.S. because it is colder in that region than in the lower part of the U.S.; I figured that people in the colder regions were more susceptible to staying inside and eating during cold weather seasons instead of being active outside. Instead, the obesity rate is consistently the same overall across all states.

As an American, I want to conclude this analysis with a call to action for America and my fellow citizens. We need to lower the obesity rates in our nation. I am tired of us being called the obese capital of the world. We need to be more active outside, exercise, and eat healthier. Now, let us Americans change the stereotypes for the better of our reputation and for our health!

