The Rise Of Web3 Marketing

Shann Holmberg
10 min readNov 1, 2022

Say hello to the new frontier of marketing

Introduction and Background

When playing around with Google Search trends, I noticed something very interesting about the search term “Web3 marketing”. This sparked my interest and led me on a journey into the depths of trend research.

But before I tell you what that is all about, I need to give you some background on myself and why I am writing an article like this one.

In 2017, a colleague & I had a long discussion about Bitcoin. We wondered if it was the new internet fly or if it could have potential value in the future. Oh boy, were we onto something! After the discussion, we decided to try investing in it. It didn’t take long until we had made some profits, and our eyes were opened to a new world — the crypto world. Since that day, I haven’t looked back; my investment became a hobby which led me to integrate it into my work as a marketer, naturally becoming Web3 marketing.

My marketing background was in SaaS & tech, and I took a lot of the knowledge I accumulated to the emerging world of Web3 and crypto. I understood that it was a different world, and our marketing efforts needed to be adjusted accordingly. That’s when I knew I was hooked. Since then, the whole team at Lunar Strategy and I have been helping countless Web3 companies succeed with their marketing strategies.

Now back to the story, The Rise Of Web3 Marketing. The title is true, this type of marketing is on the rise, at least according to Google Trends, Semrush, and the countless leads our marketing agency is receiving at these times.

What Is Web3 Marketing?

Before we dive deep into how and why this type of marketing is on the rise, we need to define what Web3 actually is. My team at Lunar Strategy and I believe Web3 is a more decentralized vision of the World Wide Web built on blockchain technology.

Marketing trends have evolved alongside the Web, constantly emerging with new strategies to keep up with the latest technologies. To understand Web3 Marketing, let’s look at how marketing evolved from the previous two generations of the internet.

Web1 marketing is what we consider the first generation of the internet. Web1 was a one-to-one communication model where businesses would send messages to customers through email and basic search engine optimization (SEO).

Since internet marketers could not use traditional commercials, such as those on television, radio, and print, they had to depend only on email marketing and collecting customer emails. This was the root of digital marketing as we know it today, but the strategies used were pretty basic and, at times, unsophisticated.

Web2 marketing is an evolution of Web1 marketing, with a focus on two-way communication and interaction between businesses and customers. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are popular channels for Web2 marketing, as they allow customers to give feedback and engage with brands in real-time.

Web2 marketing is more collaborative than Web1, with businesses often working with influencers and other partners to create joint content and promotions to establish authority within their niche and community.

What sets Web3 marketing apart from its predecessors is the use of decentralized technologies, such as blockchain, to power its various applications.

The fundamentals of marketing a web3 project may be the same as in previous iterations, but strategies must change. When marketing a web3 project you have to look beyond conventional methods for attracting potential users; As community takes on greater importance in the web3 than it did in web2, lead journeys will evolve accordingly.

Why Is Web3 Marketing On The Rise?

Now that we’ve covered what Web3 marketing is let’s take a look at why it’s on the rise. There are a number of reasons for this, but the three main ones are:

- The increasing popularity of decentralized applications (dApps): As dApps become more popular, so does Web3 marketing. This is because dApps are powered by decentralized technologies, such as blockchain, which are at the heart of Web3 marketing.

- The growing awareness of data privacy and security concerns: With the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the GDPR coming into effect, there is a growing awareness of data privacy and security. This has led to a greater demand for privacy-focused Web3 applications, such as decentralized social media platforms and email providers.

- The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT): As more and more devices are connected to the internet, there is a growing need for a decentralized platform to handle all this data. Web3 marketing is well-positioned to take advantage of this trend, as it can use decentralized technologies.

What Does The Future Hold For Web3 Marketing?

The future of Web3 marketing is looking very bright indeed. As more and more businesses and consumers become aware of the benefits of decentralized technologies, we can expect to see a continued rise in the adoption of Web3 marketing applications and strategies.

We can also expect to see more Web3 marketing agencies emerging, as there is a growing demand for these specialized services. If you’re looking to get ahead of the curve, start learning about Web3 marketing and how to use it to your advantage.

Statistics and Research

The acceleration of Web3 marketing is evident when taking a closer look at how the search volume of some key terms has increased. It seems that trending search terms like Web3 marketing and Web3 agency are only growing in popularity, illustrated by noticeable upward curves in the search indexes.

Below are screenshots illustrating the climb of specified keywords across two trusted analytics sites:

Google Trends

Keyword: Web3 marketing

Google Trends, Keyword “Web3 marketing”, Worldwide

Keyword: Web3 agency

Google Trends, Keyword “Web3 marketing agency”, Worldwide


Keyword: Web3 marketing

Semrush trend, Keyword “Web3 marketing ”, Worldwide
Semrush keyword difficulty, Keyword “Web3 marketing ”, Worldwide

There’s a big potential for being one of the first agencies to rank on the upcoming keyword as well.

Keyword: Web3 marketing agency

Semrush trend, Keyword “Web3 marketing agency”, Worldwide
Semrush keyword difficulty, Keyword “Web3 marketing agency”, Worldwide

Keyword: Web3 agency

Semrush trend, Keyword “Web3 agency”, Worldwide
Semrush keyword difficulty, Keyword “Web3 agency”, Worldwide


Twitter is an extremely active and integral platform for conducting Web3 marketing research and overall activity. This is because it is fast-paced and a major destination for Web3 enthusiasts and marketers alike.

The Web3 craze on Twitter is unequalled to other platforms, illustrated by the high volumes of hashtags and accounts featuring the same keywords as mentioned above:

Keyword: Web3 marketing (accounts)

Twitter People Search “Web3 marketing”

Keyword: Web3 agency (accounts)

Twitter People Search “Web3 agency”

Mentions on Twitter with the keywords Web3 marketing and Web3 agency have skyrocketed in the past months.

There’s definitely a trend among Twitter users using the keyword and becoming thought leaders within the Web3 marketing space.


The volume of Web3 marketing agencies and experts on LinkedIn has increased rapidly as well. Considering the relative newness of the space, it is evident that many companies and individuals have already jumped on the bandwagon, with as many as 13 000 people and 1 600 companies featuring Web3 marketing in their profiles.

Search term: Web3 marketing (People)

Linkedin People Search “Web3 marketing”

Search term: Web3 marketing (Companies)

Linkedin Companies Search “Web3 marketing”

How Can You Leverage This Ongoing Trend?

Web3 marketing is still in its relatively early stages with a lot of potential for growth. Here are some tips on how you can leverage Web3 marketing to your advantage:

1. Educate yourself and stay up-to-date with the latest Web3 marketing news and developments. This will help you better understand the technology and its potential applications for marketing.

2. Reach out to Web3 marketing agencies and experts to learn more about how you can use Web3 marketing to your advantage.

3. Keep an eye on Web3 marketing trends and be prepared to adapt your strategies accordingly.

4. Connect with other Web3 enthusiasts and marketers on popular spaces like Twitter and Discord. This can help you build valuable relationships, cultivate a reputation within the space, and learn from others.

Niche agency towards Web3

Finding your niche as a Web3 agency or project starts with fundamental marketing introspection: What is the goal of your marketing efforts? Who are you targeting? What do you offer them? What makes your project unique? And finally, is there an existing niche relevant to your project?

Once you have a good understanding of your niche and your position in that niche, you can start tailoring your message and approach to appeal to your target audience. This process can be ongoing and should evolve as your project grows and changes.

Thought leadership as Web3 marketers

As a Web3 marketer, you have the unique opportunity to position yourself and your company as thought leaders in the space by producing high-quality content that is valuable and relevant to your target audience. This can include blog posts, case studies, guides, opinion pieces, videos, and podcasts.

In addition to producing original content, you can share your thoughts and opinions on Web3 marketing-related news and developments by writing guest articles for other publications or speaking at Web3 marketing events.

By establishing yourself as a thought leader in the space, you will be able to build trust and credibility with your target audience and industry peers.

SEO for Web3 marketing keywords

Just like any other marketing effort, Web3 marketing can benefit from being supported by a solid SEO strategy.

The first step is to research the Web3 marketing keywords that your target audience is using to find relevant information and insight. Once you have a good understanding of these keywords, you can start optimizing your website and content for them.

There are a number of different ways to optimize your website for Web3 marketing keywords, including:

- Use Web3 marketing keywords in your website’s title tags and meta descriptions.

- Include Web3 marketing keywords in your website’s H1 tags and page titles.

- Write blog posts and articles that are optimized for Web3 marketing keywords.

Write a book on the subject

Writing a book showcasing your expertise in this field of Web 3 marketing is an effective way to build credibility and establish authority in the space.

Together with Lunar Strategy’s CEO, Tim Haldorsson, we wrote Master Web3 Marketing to Build a Thriving Community & Business: Actionable strategies on building a Web3 community from leading crypto and NFT marketing agency.

Publishing a valuable piece of literature is an accelerating marketing strategy because it helps position you as an expert in your field. This is especially true if the book is well-received, gains positive reviews from readers, and is covered by major publications. Your book can simultaneously help aspiring Web3 marketers and position you as a thought leader in the industry.

Create a Web3 learning hub

Creating and sharing an expertly curated database of valuable insight, tips, and tactics sets you apart as an industry leader and educator. This diversifies your expertise, transcends you from just being a doer to a teacher, and adds to the air of authority you aim to cultivate within the community.

Together with my colleagues at Lunar Strategy, we determined a gap in the market for those wanting to learn more about Web3. We knew that Web2 marketing tactics fail miserably in Web3’s decentralized, community-driven landscape primarily due to a lack of know-how in the evolved milieu. That’s why we created the Lunar Academy to equip those interested in learning more with the best knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to leverage their career, income, and future in Web3.

Who Is Taking Advantage Of The Trend?

The most innovative minds have been riding the Web3 marketing wave for quite some time already. Web3 marketing agencies and thought leaders are at the forefront of this new paradigm shift, and a growing number of Web2 companies are starting to see the potential of Web3.

Here are some leading personalities, agencies, and publications in the space:

Thought leaders within the space

Web3 marketing agencies

News outlets


As Web3 marketing continues to grow in popularity, more businesses are starting to take advantage of the trend. In order to stay ahead of the curve, it’s essential to understand Web3 marketing, how it differs from traditional Web2, and which strategies are better acclimated to this contemporary marketing landscape.

You need to be familiar with the key concepts and strategies that underpin Web3 marketing. Once you have a good understanding of these, you can start tailoring your message and approach to appeal to your target audience.

Thought leadership content, SEO, and niche targeting are aspects that shouldn’t be overlooked in Web3 marketing. As a Web3 marketer, you have the unique opportunity to establish yourself in the space by producing high-quality content that is valuable and relevant to your predetermined target audience.

So, there you have — The Rise Of Web3 marketing demystified. Now go out there and market!

Follow me for insight and info into the exciting world of Web3 marketing!

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Shann Holmberg on LinkedIn

Lunar Strategy



Shann Holmberg

Web3 agency builder. Passionate about data-driven marketing and brand building.